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Posts posted by NStrange

  1. Announcement. Okay, I am done with my build. My Holster is not up to par with the requirements because i used a really thin fake Leather swatch from some old kitchen chairs (don't ask.) I will be wearing it for the first time in Public on the 28th of October. That is if you don't count the time i wore it all to take the garbage to the curb. I will take some photos and post them of my build. I will submit for 501st just afterwards.


    It is my first build so please be gentle.



    I look forward to trooping with the central garrison May of next year in Spearfish.

  2. I am new here and I believe I might have made a huge mistake. I dripped the ABS cement onto the eye-lens, I quickly grabbed Methyl-ethyl Ketone to wipe it off. This Caused an even bigger problem it left the lens cloudy.


    I was hoping that it was only the remnants of the paste and I could maybe wipe it down some more but I don't want to take any more chances with MEK.

    not a great picture but you get the idea.





    What do you guys suggest?

  3. I am very very new to all of this, I did just buy my first kit with a helmet. I am finding lots of deviations from the intended instructions in the kit. All I have left is legs forearms, hands, and final nelmet details. I say it is all I have left but I need to accomplish lots more trimming to fit me. I may have to be in the suit for a few hours, So I will need comfort. This has been 2 weeks of work.

    I have used;

    Hot glue gun

    blue paint

    Gray paint

    Black Paint

    ABS Glue,


    Drill Bits.

    Industrial Velcro strips (sticky back 15 feet)almost gone

    (I am still new to this so I can only describe noobish perspective



    Not finding a way to temp install Velcro for fit


    not taking my time with helmet to avoid sanding and reglue


    not taking the time to watch movies for detail instead of blind instruction following..This put my straps in weird places, I should have fit it to me.


    Watched the youtube videos of people armoring up to see how their builds work


    As stated I am very new to tho, I just want to help you avoid some of the mistakes I have made.

  4. This is the same way we remove rivets from nut-plates on Aircraft. Our Sheet Metal guys drill the middle out and typically it will break the rivet. I won't beat the proverbial dead horse but Heat is a usual issue and I know this plastic melts. But if you start out with a smaller bit you can carefully work your way up till it breaks the back piece off. Do as SCtrooper says with the pliers and you will be fine.

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