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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. Where in the helmet do you have them positioned? Are they standard fans or are they the blower type (that blows out the side, some folks call them squirrel cage fans)?


    They're standard PC fans... I currently have them mounted on the frown.


    I'm thinking I might dremel out the lines in the traps on the back of the helmet and move them up there, as I'm afraid to put a live mic next to these things. :lol:

  2. I have 2 12v fans powered by 2 9v fans and they're anything but loud. Did you wire it yourself? If so, how'd you wire it up?


    I bought them pre-wired from got armor. They're the same voltage as yours so they should sound the same.


    At least they do keep everything nice and cool. But the scary thing is that I wasn't using my voice amp at the time... They should be nice and annoying once I hook that up. :blink:

  3. So, I just installed these fans I bought from Got Armor and I'm kinda taken aback by how *loud* these things are.


    When I have them running, I can't hear anything at all while they're running... and people can hear them, as well. I had my wife try my bucket on, and I could hear the high-pitched hum of the fans as far as 10 feet away.


    Is this normal? Are you supposed to be able to hear these things outside of the helmet?

  4. Seeing the name I know right now that this site has at least some small thing to do with battlefront II? Considering the story in battlefront II is about the 501st.


    Well, I know at least one member of this site who spends entirely too much time playing Battlefront II, but there's no other connection that I'm aware of. ;)

  5. I just picked up some E6000 and tried it on some things. Is it just me or does it remain in a rubbery state even after it has dried? I'm having a hard time believing this will actually hold armor together at stress points...


    Yeah, it does stay squishy after it dries but it's still quite strong.


    I used some on the face/visor of my TB helmet, and then realized I hadn't sanded the side of the face enough, so I was able to pull the two pieces apart but it still took some effort to do it.


    So unless you put some extreme stress on it, it should hold.


    ... *sigh* if only it had the harsh chemical funk of plastic welder ;)



  6. So, I'm almost done with my TK, and my source informs me he's out of thigh pieces and prolly won't have any more for a month or two.


    Does anyone have some they want to get rid of, or know where I can score just the thighs bits? The rest of my kit is FX, but I'm sure any type would work for now, at least.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated...



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