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Snooper Trooper

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Snooper Trooper

  1. Hey fellas,

    Been a long time since I've been on here and I'm helping my brother with his new AP build. Anywho, Trooperbay is a new resource that wasn't around back when I did my build and I was curious about their E-11 kit. Is it accurate and/or a decent build? I scraped and searched in the forum and couldn't dig up anything. Would appreciate any help! :)

  2. So... before I even got to walk out, as were all standing around just about to step into view my right thigh snap gives out and it falls over my shin.... Had a couple other problems with the armor, but all in all, had such a blast! The one thing that kept getting me was when people smile at me and I smile back... hah



  3. lookin good! You can pull the bicep that's not being overlapped by the shoulder bell a bit closer to the bell, just like the other bicep is sitting for a better look IMO ;)


    Thanks! And I appreciate the advice very much, that's why I post here! The biceps and forearms are actually not strapped yet, so they are just hanging on my arms. My intention is to have the bicep a bit higher than either of them are. And then have the forearms lined up correctly.

  4. So update time


    Got my correct lenses



    Almost everything that needs to be is glued





    Right shin is gonna need a little touch up.


    I'm hoping to start strapping this or next week. I'm still just really scared of drilling holes in the side of my armor and still not sure of what to use when securing it. When I get that close I'm just gonna go for it!

  5. So for those of you under a rock there is a HUGE mmorpg coming out this year called Star Wars The Old Republic. For those of you who are going to play or are interested in playing, they have launched a program that let's players form guilds ahead of launch. The ones that meet certain requirements will be inserted at launch. So, a bunch of friends and family, including one other trooper here, have formed and registered a guild on the site. If anyone is interested in playing with some other troopers as well as a very talkative and friendly group of people I'd like to extend an invitation to you! All you have to do is register on the main site and then join up with our guild here. Hope to see you on there as well!

  6. So I'm starting on my RT Mod build and I had a few questions on pieces that might or not might be EI ready. There are three pieces I'm wondering about from reading about others builds. The lenses that come with the RT helm, the belt and the ab buttons. These are pieces I have either seen someone get a different version of or modify in some way. I can always post pics if some of the officers just want to tell me if they haven't seen it before.


    Thanks guys!

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