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Posts posted by MDR84

  1. Just finished up ROTJ, completing the most recent 6 episode watch. I still love this stuff even after all these years. :)

    It really never gets old does it? You'd think after you knew every line in the movie that the awesomeness would wear out after a while but it really doesn't. The blu-rays made me look at the backgrounds the whole time like oh wow, I can see things I never noticed before!

  2. Actually I have another gripe about getting this, and it the artwork on the complete saga box. Of all that goes on in the 6 movies this was the best that they could come up with...seriously? I would have thought that the powers that be would have come up with a really wicked mash up of all the original movie posters or something this looks like David Carldine taking his long walk 'know what I mean grasshopper'.

    I agree. I've seen positive comments about the artwork too but I think it's boring and for some reason it's weird having is this light tan/orange/red color.

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