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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by mattastic13

  1. So I was asked today to do a radio interview tomorrow morning to promote Star Wars in Concert and the other Star Wars related events in my area. Now I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to say, I am going to go over the mission statement and some of the FAQs from the website, but I was wondering if there was anything else I should cover and/or anything I am NOT allowed to go over. Thanks

  2. As an official international imitation arms smuggler...I feel that I should chime in.


    The ones that I have shipped into the UK, I had to paint white with poster paint. I even got a BFG through. Total we have passed 5 blasters through.


    I use poster paint since it is just a quick bath to get it off.


    I also use UPS so I can track the progress. I just mark "White Plastic Space toy" on the customs forms.


    It is a bit expensive, but if troopers can have a Hyperfirm than it is worth it.

  3. Get in there you BEAUTIE!!!!....YEEEE-HARRRH!!! :D

    Ohh yes, a few tickets to see London's finest and a nice ice cold one will be waiting for you mate

    you can bet the barn on that one Sir!! B)

    Sorry, can't offer up any surfing though mate, not unless you want we to nick a speed boat and drag you

    along the Thames on that old kitchen door that I've got propping up the fence in my back garden :D


    As for the rest of Europe you are going to some pretty cool cities there my friend and you will not be

    lost for entertainment in the slightest. :)



    You have it wrong sir....it is I who owe you a pint and a match!


    As for Shooter...sorry bud...but I am forever blowing bubbles!

  4. SOOOO...Work is sending me to Europe for 2 weeks in August. I will be spending 2 days in Munich Germany, 2 days in Milan Italy, and two days in Paris France. I get to spend a whopping 6 days in the UK.


    Now...I want to know...from those in the know, what is the absolute MUST see?


    I am hoping to catch an EPL match (West Ham!!!) in the UK and hopefully buy Mr. Haggis a beer.


    Any thoughts?

  5. Are there any officers of the Star Garrison here? Since getting my TK ID on Feb 14 I have been trying to log on to the Star Garrison forum to see about any events that I can get involved in but I cannot log in.


    I believe the problem stems from signing up before I was 501st because it says that I don't have the proper privileges. I have sent several emails to the staff but no response.


    I really want to troop but don't know of any events.



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