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Everything posted by Stig

  1. Hey guys! I am thinking of buying a set of ATA armor, but I really think I'm not up to the task of painting it, I will most definately screw up. So I came across another alternative to get it a nice finish:Wet sanding & Polishing Who has done this before? Would you recommend it to be as a total newb? What polish did you use? Do you have any tips? Seeing e.g. Pandatrooper's results, this really made me curious! thanks, Stig
  2. Hello Billhag! Where can I see those photos? That sounds really good!
  3. Thanks everyone! Well, looks like a lot of work. I don't think I will be able to do it myself, especially considering that I have no room to let it cure! I guess I will have to go to a car painter. Has anyone done that before? BTW: What color is the white? I mean what sort of white
  4. Okay, I guess painting is it. Now would you guys say it is even possible for a beginner to accomplish that?
  5. Thanks Pandatrooper! So wet sanding it will also get it a glossy look? That sounds good... As I am a total beginner, do you think the ATA kit is reasonable for me?
  6. Hello Guys and Gals! I may be buying an ATA kit, and as it is HIPS, it won't be glossy, right? So most people paint it glossy. Now, I have absolutely no experience with that and although I have searched the forum, I haven't found the answer I was looking for. One of the reasons is, that I live in Germany, and I am not familiar with the terms for all the different types of paint, not to talk about the fact that those specific products won't be accessable in Germany. So I came across this thread: ------ Could you apply this method to all the armor parts? Is there anything I should know? Cause I am reall desperately trying to find armor, and the ATA kit looks to be just it, however the painting really scares me off! Hope you guys can help me. Stig
  7. Hello!

    I see you bought from the eBay seller loadingarea. I may be ordering from him too, what can you say about the armor? Is it as good as he says? Do you have pictures?

    I hope you can help me, I would appreciate it a lot! :)

    Thanks, and kind regards,


  8. Stig

    ebay armour

    So all in all, would you recommend this? For a beginner like me?
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