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Posts posted by Jorran

  1. This discussion has helped a lot. Thanks all.


    Like I said originally, I'm not planning on getting rid of scuffs, dings, etc. Just the stuff that doesn't look right. For example, I've trooped twice in it now, and I have a pretty good sized black mark on the butt plate where my E-11 black paint rubbed off while holstered. It looks flat bad, not weathered or battle-damaged, so I'd like to clean that up. I'll be ordering some Novus tomorrow.

  2. Last night I completed my very first troop (can we say: AWESOME!!!!), and I remember reading a thread here somewhere that said to keep your armor in good shape for years to come you should always lay it out when you get home and clean it up after each troop. Of course, I can't find that thread now. :angry2:


    I don't want to clean up everything - I definitely want that "lived in" look that scuffs, dings, and scratches bring to the TK look - but I do want to preserve my suit as long as I possibly can, particularly since The Boss ( :leia: ) has informed me that this will be the only armor that I ever have!


    So my question is, what do you guys use to clean up your armor after you're done with a troop? For reference, I have an ABS TK.


    Thanks! :salute:

  3. If you hit the "Stunt Build" link in my signature, you'll see the suit progress. I've been sick a lot lately and haven't been able to put the finishing touches on yet. I literally have 4 things left to do on the helmet and I'm done...I just need to feel better so I can do them!


    And welcome to the white plastic party! Be sure to drop by the New Member Introductions forum and say hello.

  4. That part took a while. I used a very small flat head screwdriver. There is a lot of glue in there holding that cap on, so you have to work at it slowly and steadily to remove it without damaging the cap. The idea is to just get the screwdriver under the edge and work at loosening one little area, then work all the way around the perimeter. Keep repeating, pushing the screwdriver a little further in each pass. Eventually you'll remove it without destroying anything.

  5. I used my remaining stripe decals to fix one side. Another set of decals is on the way to fix the opposite side. Thanks for the suggestions - I think this does look a lot better.






    Of course, I just read another thread where it said that the left and right side of the decals are laid out specifically to go on those respective sides of the helmet. So, once the replacement decals get here I'll be redoing the whole thing.

  6. Cool, thanks. One more question:


    After they are dry, I sand the edges of the tips slightly to make them look a little more "worn" and add the mesh (run some CA glue on the inside edge and press the tips in. Some people like to use a round tool to make it look like they are pressed from the inside.


    I have E6000 and plastic welder, but no CA glue. Are either of those viable options for gluing the mesh screens?

  7. I checked using a tape measure just now, and from the bottom of the existing holes to the center of the new holes is roughly 9/16" using a tape measure. I think my strategy when I drilled those was to look at as many reference pictures and build threads as possible to see generally where the center of the new row of holes should be. Once I was happy with that spot, I drew the line along the bottom of the existing row as a base from where I could measure from to make sure the new holes stayed consistently separated.


    Hope this helps!

  8. I got the ears screwed onto the helmet last night and...I can't get the lid on! :angry2: The screws dig into my forehead and back of my skull when I try to get it on. My first thought was that I just need to cut off the excess on the screws, but the welder's mask hangs from the top two screws, right?


    I don't think my noggin is significantly bigger than most troopers, so I doubt this is a major issue.

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