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Posts posted by Amy

  1. Sweet! We'll have to get some armor parties going. I started last week and almost have a thermal detonator. I'm going slow to learn how best to trim the AP. Between my gf working on her scout and my TK, there are plastic scraps everywhere :)


    Would love to--I should have everything in about two-three weeks. I found underarmor when I was out of town this weekend and am now dreaming about suiting up.

  2. On 4/28/2010 at 6:06 PM, tkrestonva said:

    Agreed, good choice. :duim:


    If you haven't already, check out TKittell's EIB submission thread. He also went with an AM Lite & AP combination, it'll give you an idea of what the finished costume should look like.



    I AM SO EXCITED. Thanks to Drew I got my first look at an unassembled TK suit today and wow was it daunting. I am nervous and excited to the point of almost vibrating. Brian thanks for the link it will help a lot as I do have EIB in mind—hope you are up for some work on your next trip out here. Thayne I just hope I can build it without messing it up or cutting of any of my fingers. Thanks again everyone all the help has made all the difference in me doing this and I am looking forward to getting to go trooping with some great people.

  3. Whether or not AM fits better depends on your build. AM is designed to be able to fit the widest range of physiques, but unmodified right out of the box it's best suited for larger guys. It can be made to fit smaller frames, but you'll need to do some trimming (maybe a lot) to get it to look right.


    If I may ask, what is your height/weight, and how would you describe your build? Tall & thin? Short and stocky? Other?


    Well, let’s see if I can keep from embarrassing myself… Ok I am about 5’4-5’5, 160 lbs, size small-medium (depending on what it is) and have a 34DDD bust. I know the chest is going to be the biggest problem. I have read that AM armor tends to be the best size for women but I am still leaning towards AP or TM armor. I also know that if I get AM armor I will need an alternate bucket. I do have the budget for TM or AP and am more than willing to wait in order to get the best suit for my size.

  4. Start with hasbro mod and upgrade from there once you've decided, which way is the one for you?


    I have been trying to find one locally so far it is going about as well as the under suit… Next will be the internet but at least you can find anything there.

    Again thanks for all the help everyone

  5. Hi I'm new and I'm trying to get my very own stormtrooper armor and im look for help hint and all that what should i do first where should i look who should i buy from and all that jazz so if some one would be kind it would be great to hear from you



    I am also new and hopeful of completing an armor set. Check with you local garrison, mine has been super helpful. I have a link to a page that shows some good comparisons that I will pm you.

  6. Hi Amy


    Make sure to join, if you have not yet, your local 501st garrison, the Southern California Garrison ( See Link below).



    We do have a mentor program to help new recruits with their costume questions . See Link below:



    Thanks Mario,

    I have gotten in touch with the central California garrison who has been very helpful. I have picked out two armors that I like but have not heard back about them but as soon as I do I am ready to purchase. I will be at the Long Beach con in October and hope to have everything done by then, now if I can just get people to email/call me back. I am completely willing to travel for some help so I will look into the mentor program right away.

  7. Hi Amy, welcome to the FISD! :salute:

    Don't worry, women do look good in armor.

    Look Conny here, future Spanish Garrison member. I think the armor fits her really nice. :duim:

    We also have Olivia, and when she's donning the armor you can't tell her from one of the guys.

    It just need some adjustments, specially on the hips, but nothing too difficult really.


    Oh! it would be wise to contact your local garrison too, if you didn't already. They can be of great help.




    Thank you for the welcome. Now if I can just get everything together so that I can look good too, I cannot wait to suit up.

  8. Hello all. My name is Amy I live in Orcutt (near Santa Maria and SLO) and I am seeking help with what looks to be some major modifications on my armor. I am getting ready to purchase it but as I am a girl I know the undertaking of making my armor wearable while still screen accurate will be tough. I am up for traveling for help so if you are near me and up for it please contact me.

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