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Posts posted by Amy

  1. Lol

    I need to finish this off


    I'd love a set of DDDs in there and yes it would be very hard! Please send them in the post :)



    It is not getting them in the armor. I had to get AM and I am only 5'4" and about 150lbs so there has been a lot of trimming. I did trim down my chest and back plates in length, good to know I am more "Luke" that way. Do you have any photos, tips or instructions for the grappling hook box? I keep trying to put mine together but can't find enough photos to help me out.


    for the DDDs ;)


  2. WOW--Thanks everyone. I already have a big scoop cut into the inside of the forearm but as of right now I would have overlap between my biceps and forearms so cutting off one divot shouldn't leave too much room (well under 1"), I just wanted to avoid as many bites as possible. Thanks again for all the help, I'm diggin' the love ;)

  3. I've never had any problems ordering the DoopyDoo kit. I think I've ordered 3 kits from them. Maybe the website is a lil hard to navigate. They also sell the kit on Ebay for the same price. That is where I purchaced all my kits. Try that & see if its easier. :dancing-trooper:


    Blaster kit is on the way, thanks to everyone who has helped me :) I am not sure what I would have done if I had to this by myself. The armor party is still on for tomorrow and all are welcome, just pm me for directions.

  4. Welcome to the FISD, Amy!

    My suggestion would be to have someone with an accurate chest and back piece help you with trimming by using as a guide to modify the top part of your armor to get a better fit without losing the look, that is if they are too big right now. The rest will be a matter of test fitting and trimming, and repeating the process until it fits. When doing the thighs keep in mind that you need some room for movement for goin up and down stairs. Just my 2 credits, good luck with your build B)


    THANK YOU :) I am nervous about having to trim so much my armor looses the accuracy it has (I know it is not the most accurate out there). I have been in touch with Brian who will be in my neck of the woods next month and I am going to ask him for help with the chest plate. I also have more help nearby and have even been invited to a few armor parties in L.A. so with any luck I will be okay. I plan on taking it very slow and careful so I get it right and thank you for the stair reminder—I would not have considered that.

  5. Hey Everyone,

    My wife who goes by the callsign Berlin over in the JRS will be wearing white armor real soon. Im going to pick up her armor tomorrow at noon. So now I have to hurry up & finish my TK & get started on hers. I was hoping to wear our Tie Pilots to San Diego Comic Con, but maybe now we'll both be able to wear Stormtrooper White :dancing-trooper::dancing-trooper:


    I may need to contact you for some tips. I have my armor and am waiting on my helmet and boots but am insanely excited to get started. My husband probably will never troop but he is a Lucas artist so it is still a family affair.

  6. Sweet! B)


    I got an email from Deckard yesterday, mine has shipped and should be here very soon. :D


    BTW, if you haven't already, I highly recommend following Pandatrooper's AM build. Dude's got mad skillz, and you'll no doubt have to do a lot of the same trimming he has to do. Although I won't require much (if any) trimming, I really like how he used joining strips (even though AM doesn't require it) and I plan on doing the same.




    Be sure to start a separate thread in the Assembly, Mods, and Painting forum for your build process. Once mine arrives I'll be doing the same.


    Oh, have you gotten a helmet yet?



    My AP helmet should mail soon as well as my boots. I am now only missing a neck seal and electronics. From the looks of things my trimming should not be too bad the chest plate fits pretty close right out of the box (of course that is probably due to the boobs)--I think my big problem will be with shaping, there are a lot of areas that seem about the right size but need to be adjusted to account for my curves. I am excited and fighting myself to keep from jumping in without the help I know I need. I have to say it was the best box I have ever opened.

  7. On 5/18/2010 at 9:14 AM, Drewid said:

    There's also tk409. -----------



    What kind of blaster are you thinking about doing; modify a Hasbro E-11 or make one from PVC? We might have to have a blaster party even before we have an armor party. Any other thoughts out there about the differences in making V modifying blasters?

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