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Posts posted by Runnriottt

  1. Just finding out. 


    I was fortunate enough to call him my friend, to be one of the first to see his armor, be there with him as he started and have him in my life.  We shared the same eye for detail and got lost in conversation on the details.  Terrell was there when I tried and failed at prop making.  He stuck to it.  He really cared about his craft as well as his customers.  


    We walked the floor of Celebration in Florida and handed out buttons and stickers to armor he recognized.  He signed each one he made.  


    We both had moments that weekend where we found ourselves fans of the fans, just being overwhelmed and star struck. We hung out with the stars of the saga, and I really remember how excited he was meeting Brain Muir.  He spoke to him on the details of Vader as not only was he a trooper fan, but Vader and Fett as well.  


    He had a way of making you feel special. It was like you were his life long friend. Even though I was an ocean away and we met face to face a few times we would talk like we were next door.  As I drifted from the 501st, there was always Terrell, there for a call and we would talk hobby.   I was just thinking I needed to call. 


    Then I read the news letter and found my way here.  


    I have a set of his armor still in the box. Now it means so much.  I have to get back in the Legion.  I have to troop again. 

    For Terrell. 


    Dammit.  Really hurting right now. 



    • Like 9
  2. There is a big brown box full of ATA armor in the next room.  So, So Shiny.  Ahhh... nothing like the smell of fresh ABS outta to vac form!


    ESB. Best movie of the lot.  On screen it was amazing when Dad took me to the movies. I wanted to be a Stormtrooper.  Fast forward to adulthood and I did.  I got the suit, pushed and pushed and made Elite right here.  Then went all Dark... SL9135.  Had a great run.  The Stories from that time... out of this world fun.


    Hung up the cape after Episode 7.


    But... I miss it.


    "TK9135 Why are you not at your post?"


    Soon.  Very soon. Back to my roots.  Old Stormies never loose it.


    Now to find out the status of the TK.  Boots, gloves and undersuits. See what has changed.  Get back to Elite.


    • Like 1
  3. I am getting excited. Geeked. Stoked. Motivated. Restless...


    However you word it, I cant wait to get on that plane. Grueling trip, jet lag... all aside. Star Wars Celebration 6. 4 Transfers, one train and thousands of miles to travel.


    I cant wait to shake as many hands as I can. Meet those I have only typed to in the recent past. Drink my quota of beer for the year. ( moderation though, I am a family man...)

    My last Con was Celebration Japan, and if this is as half as cool... and it will be, I cant wait.


    To my long time Star Wars friends that I get to hang out with for a week, to the new ones unmet as of yet... I am saying with a loud type...







    Post up your hopes, maybe fears, and above all excitement for the show about to happen in a Galaxy not to far away in a near future.... Lets have some fun!

  4. eBay has its up sides. Never had an issue with Sith Armor, nor with Customs Props and those guys. Thing is for plastic costumes SO many versions of the same stuff abound on ebay that its hard to keep up with who is going good work and shipping on time.


    I don't really like Droopydoos, but he does at least ship on time. Really, doing your home work prior to buy it now is the way to go. Trust me, I learned the same way. Just have to sort the wheat from the chaff.

  5. ----------





    Just a few I have had over the years...


    TKs would include... TM, AP, TE, TE2, CAP, ATA, FX, ANHV2, MRCE... I think that is all of em...

    Vaders... TD, Smiley,DS, Fang, Don Post, GB, JBv1, SPFX, Portumac, MR, Rubies

    Guards... Don Post, South American

    Scouts... Rubies and MLC



    Man... I shoulda kept better records.. LOL

  6. The yellowing is on the batch of plastics... Its not really across the board gonna happen. ABS is really the way to go if you are going to be hard on your armor. I loved the ABS FX kit I had,now I wear HIPS. Really its the way you plan on handling your armor is the way it will last. I don't know if I would roll down a hill in either. Really taking care of your armor is the key. Either plastic can be great.


    Holy crap! 2001 posts!

  7. HOLY CRAP! THIS IS AN AMAZING SET!!! Love my timezone... I get it a day early!


    Spend the 90 bucks. Get the whole shabang. I just plowed through ANH, Bonus 1 and 2. The OT deletes are flat awesome. WELL worth the coin.



    I doubt iTunes will have anything.. I don't think you can even get the movies on iTunes. The picture quality is amazing in 1080P, I am floored with the opening of ANH. WOW. Just WOW.

  8. and I for one like it. B)




    In the last few years the way we talk troopers is totally different. 180 out from that time.


    When i got in to props 5 years back, it was just cool to be a trooper. Now we talk about accurate this, original that, modify over here, build this way for this look...


    Awesome information not held by a few, but the majority of posters on the boards. While I see a few "Old Timers"( ;) ) still offering up, the guard has changed and the accuracy bug is everywhere. What was hard to get a few years back is now obtainable. The secrets that a few held is now common knowledge. A far more informed mass of TKs and TKs in training abound.


    At least here.


    Kudos. Information is key and I am glad the FISD is still so active in keeping up with what is out there.

  9. Kenect Star Wars I will wait and see as well. Looked kinda lame in the demo form I saw.


    Halo? Ill wait on that... Reach was good, as long as the single player is polished I will buy it. If its all about getting owned by a ten year old with controllers for hands in multi player I am not wasting my time.


    Battle Front 3? Im there.

  10. My kids did like it... but with the Kenect you are far more mobile. I bought the Jackson game, the Wii was so weak. They liked it at first then quit. The menus are confusing and hard to navigate. My 7 and 5 year old just gave up. Aside from the sports and fit, thy cant get it. Kenect wham... Right from the start. Plus you have to dance, not just shake the controller.


    Seems like the Netflix is good, but living overseas i am blocked from content. I have a Japanese IP. xBox does that too... Meh... Mario cart huh? Ill look into that.

  11. This thing sucks. Really. Having played the xBox now with Kenect.. Can you go back?


    I thought it was kinda weak from the start, but now.. its looking silly. Ill bet there worth like a third of what I paid for all this now huh? Are there any redeeming qualities of these game systems or did I just fund a shelf ornament?


    I still cannot figure out how to Play some of these games...




    Clone wars Heros

    Force Unleashed

    Light saber duel

    Tiger Woods


    The only games we play at all are sports and Fit. Yeesh.

  12. Well I am kinda digging on the Reach game. Feel like a nub in the multiplayer though. It just feels to much like 14 year olds owning me.


    I used to play Day of Defeat on the PC, (Half life 1 mod to WWII) and liked the group play and we had a clan of all the guys I worked with..


    Any one up for a FISD Halo Clan?

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