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Posts posted by TxRadio

  1. Youck...when i see the fx buck I start to wounder how it can be 501st approved and not the don post/rubies helmet...cause the fx is ugly as hell imo




    Disclaimer: I'm a noob so not an expert


    I've seen lots of criticism about the FX helmet being too big, but theres usually a clause that says "except on tall troopers". Well what about us tall troopers? Should the 501st ban it because it looks too big on the majority, though it works ok for tall troopers?

  2. If you can find a way to wear a cool vest underneath a set of TK armor and keep it hidden then I say go for it.


    As a professional Santa Claus I can attest to the benefits of the cool vest. Many Santas wear them and it's a necessity for me as a Santa because Christmas comes to Australia in the summer. My cool vest is an amazing thing and I recommend it to anyone. It would be tough to wear one as a TK unless you can find one in black to blend in with the body suit. And they can be bulky when fully loaded ( I have a phase change cooling vest).


    I use my cooling vest to round out my Santa belly because I'm lucky not to be that big naturally.


    The cool vests do come in black...

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