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Posts posted by Karma

  1. After wearing my FX suit today at MegaCon, it has reinforced the notion that I need a new kit. I've been wearing this one since 2003 and it's ready for retirement.


    I think I'm going to wind up piecemealing, but want to buy an entire kit and go from there. I will likely keep my RT-Mod helmet, as it looks proportional on me. I'm 5'6", 140, and I've got booty and thighs....which is why I think I'll keep my FX thighs or at least build new ones from my leftover FX parts.


    What do you all think would be the kit for me? My pet peeve it the chest plate. I don't want to have to cut it down at the neck too much, and I don't want to cut it from the bottom and lose the sculpt there.


    I fear RT-Mod will be to big overall, and ATA too small for my womanly curves. :)




  2. Shadowdale's work is excellent. I had an officer's cap made by them and it looks and fits great. I added my own greeblie so I can't vouch for theirs.


    However, I do agree that they take longer than what they quote on larger items. They did some custom work for me and though it was delivered on time for the event I needed it for, it was later than the time we agreed upon and they had to overnight it to me to get it there before I left town. The work itself was fantastic.


    As for costume bay...they are a cosplay company, plain and simple. They do not use quality materials and are not in the market for accuracy. Their officer's uniforms look good in photos but don't look good in person. (My HO, only).



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