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Jehudah Design

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Posts posted by Jehudah Design

  1. Thanks. I just need more of that rare prop builder's time to get this one going again.

    Maybe I'll even find the rest of what Hengstler counters I have, they are missing the metal shielding.


    Sorry about closing my old website, but it will all come back under my own brand instead of the Sith one.

    Nice to see you liked my costume banner enough to use it ;)

  2. ( ! ) - The last time I posted this build-up page, the topic was closed since I closed my old website while going Vampire hunting, mountainside mushroom picking, inventing a new pollutionless engine, and so forth.


    This time I will just rearrange my costume pages a bit, so the link won't work for a little while but will come back, so no need to close this new topic.


    The magic word of successful costume page rearrangement will be - - YERP!

  3. @TK Bondservnt 2392 - That's great that there's a general progress in that information, I only had a few Sterling photos and the templates to go by, so I blame those for my blaster's inaccuracies :P


    @Turrican - Thanks :)


    @Duras - Thanks for loving it, though if you meant copying the way I made my blaster, keep in mind that not even mine is fully screen accurate, even with wrong measurements as stated here earlier, so don't use my blaster as reference. Replicas of replicas of replicas will only end up as juice blenders before becoming blaster rifles. Also I'd do many things differently today and the pages should be seen as "I did this and this to build it" and not "You should do this and this to build one". Good luck with it though ;)

  4. I've never heard about those measurements being too long before, I've been out of the whole blaster loop for a long time,

    but that's good information for other people to know, so I should add that to my page also.


    I suppose a 6/8" too long blaster is not the worst that could happen, but having looked at some new information about the targeting sensors

    and all sorts of other parts on them that look different than what the templates showed too,

    I think it's strange how we all still don't quite know what a blaster rifle from the world's most famous movie series from 1977+ looks like.


    Dang, 20% of them? I knew of at least a few people who said they built theirs because of my page and wanted to get it up and running because of that,

    but 20% sounds good, I'm glad I could help then :) When I first got into costume building, I used to love watching other people's build-up pages,

    so that's pretty much why I chose to document most of what I build, to put some more ideas out in the web, good thing it helped.


    Thanks, everyone :D

  5. Hello there.


    I was once known as "Dark Side Sith Lord", but since that was an evil Sith related quote belonging to Lucasfilm, I decided to fully go by my artist name Jehudah.

    Back when I was 19, I built an E-11 blaster rifle that I photographed the building process of and published it online to be surprised of how many good comments I got from it.

    Though because of several website changes and too many many many projects at hand, that build-up page was outdated and removed.


    ...Until now. This new version has 50 compressed widescreen photos in each page to make loading faster,

    and I have gone by a request to re-shuffle the photos from the way I built the blaster to a more straight forward process,

    finishing one part to move on to another instead of the confusing mix I had before.

    I have also removed about 150 unnessesary photos to make it simpler and shorter, rather than having three photos just for drilling a hole...


    I know there are many other options for getting E-11 blaster rifles today and that this build-up page might be obsolete,

    but if anyone still wants to see this old project in a new and updated version, you can see it in my new website - Jehudah Design.



    Hoping you like it :)


    Be well.


    - Jehudah.

    • Like 1
  6. Damn indeed. But so far it seems this acetone stuff really works, just takes some days to harden, but that might just be because of the consistancy since I don't have a way to grind up the plastic good enough to a flower, so all I get is lumpy stuff with thin white goo in between it. Will try to find a way to grind it better soon, then will post some progress photos.

  7. For my AP helmet, I made new lenses out of Plexiglass with tinting foil applied, then had the green acetate over that. It looked pretty cool and metallic this way. See photos of it here ------------

  8. It was stated before that it looks like Vader was cropped out of the photo, and by a brown colored something. Highlight the photo of that guy in the armor, and it look like his head is edited into the photo, with a brownish hue stopping at a horizontal line at his neck. So maybe that armor was never even worn by that guy. Also I think his claimed story was that the photo was taken outside the studio right after the scene was finished. This would mean the trooper in the screenshot should have had the thigh belt on the calf piece instead of the thigh, which it doesn't... Also that sure doesn't look like "outside" to me.

  9. @NAZGÛL - Thanks. I will buy some acetone for this thing tomorrow. Yes I do have a Darth Vader helmet from ROTS, but no costume yet to wear it with. Still I do have a complete Snowtrooper costume to play around with in the meanwhile.


    @dougefresh - Yeah, it pretty much sucks and brings out many bad words... I contacted the AP guy shortly after this happened, so if it is unfixable, I will buy a new helmet back from him. I really want to keep my old faceplate instead of buying a new full helmet.


    By the way, I got to edit at least two new photos of my Stormtrooper, and finished the helmet tutorial once and for all.


  10. Not only unlucky with that, the sound board I was going to use inside the helmet also fried. I think next my armor will spontaniously combust or something...


    I sure do hope it works, and I'll be posting photos of the repair. Am not yet sure if I should add this all in the next tutorial in case someone else would have to repair their helmet in the same way and discovers the method in my website. Quite an embarrasing thing to publish...


    Thanks for the luck, I will need it.

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