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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by TK-6044

  1. The Best set of AP armor I have even seen made is: TK-4261 AKA: Curtis.

    If you ever need help or get stuck ask Curtis.

    Good Luck





    Today my AP arrived! :peace:

    I'm so happy! I'm sure most of you know how it feels to get your first armor. So yes, I'm very, very happy. :D

    It took only a week for the box to arrive from its origin. That's faster than I expected! :o

    And I had no problems whatsoever with customs or the mail (it was delivered to my door, something not so common in Madrid :P )


    So now my journey begins.


    Here you have some pictures. I'll add more as I progress in the assembly.



    AP, with its "cousin", the SDS helmet (I cut the green star foam, the one that comes with the armor is different.)



    A box of happyness :D



    Tools of the trade (Humbrol paints are under the decals)



    #13 :lol:


  2. Yes I am back!


    I finished training in late Jan, but I have been very busy since I have been back.

    Very busy:

    I had surgery 3 weeks ago for a injury I got in basic, I am well on the way to recovery now. :mellow:


    My daughter was born 2 weeks ago. Addison Kate 7lb 11oz. She is also doing very well. :D


    I also went back to school full-time last week... :rolleyes:


    I still do the freelance thing too. ;)


    But it is great to be back and I will be at the Wizard Con in LA this weekend trooping for the 501st.


    Thanks for the post and your support....Hooah! :salute:

    TK-6044 (Dave)


  3. Dave, Just out of interest is there going to be any more on the ol video front???????


    ps hope the missus anf family are well




    Yes there will be a few more.

    I recently enlisted in the California Army National Guard so that has been taking up a lot of my free time.

    I ship out to Basic Combat Training at Fort Knox Kentucky very soon.

    But I do hope to finish a few more before I go.


  4. Thanks for the kudos! Indeed i will be doing some fine tuning now that the major chunk of the armor is done. Ive started to continue with the helmet. Painted the :angry: last night, man was I nervous about getting it straight. I think it came out okay.






    ok, off to work :-/



    Nice job painting The Frown!



  5. Hey Felixx


    I put small blocks of foam in the inside of my Shins and my thighs to straighten them up, its just a case of "Trail & Error".

    I used White Velcro on the sides of my chest but you can use black no-problem.


    Your armor looks good, what I have realized with our armor is this:


    Don't try and make FX armor into AP armor... Just don't do it to yourself... FX is FX... AP is AP... They are 2 very different styles... Enjoy your armor for what it is.


    Star Wars Fans will look at you and see a "Stormtrooper" :trooper: not a FX Stormtrooper :trooper: or a AP Stormtrooper :trooper: but a Star Wars Stormtrooper ...


    You have done a great job, good luck finishing up!

    Dave TK-6044

  6. Dave didn't mention how to attach thighs to the Torso?... :huh:

    Dave's Garage Episode 9 Pt1


    The FX thighs are a problem... One is larger then the other and they are not sculpted enough to fit well, it takes a lot of time and wearing to get them right. Don't trim to much though or your won't be able to move well, I suggest wearing all of your armor and then trimming them.


    To be honest I still have work to do on my thighs. :6:


    Like TK4999 said "One thing I found at C-IV and CE is that my thighs do "pump up" when I am trooping in armor days at a time, so what feels comfortable on the first day definitely is not comfortable on the third or fourth day." and my own experience of wearing them at the Comic-Con for a Troop I can only agree.


    I have some foam in the inside for comfort only, I glued the front and velcro at the back though I do need a larger piece of velcro at the back to stop them coming apart as they both did once at the Comic-Con. My thighs attach with elastic & snaps from the torso to the top of the inner thigh like a suspender...


    Good Luck


  7. dave dave dave, i felt like ive been on this journey with at every stage.

    You are amazing and kind hearted.

    Seeing the pics was like seeing a son of mine go to his first school day.


    Can we have a bit of video of your next outing?

    Thanks again for all the amazing video's youve done for the trooper comunity.


    (bows head as a remark of respect)




    Chef Chef Chef I appreciate your support, you were the first to Subscribe to my videos and came along on this journey with me.

    The support that I have had from you and many many others has been overwhelming.

    I never expected it to go so well, we have clocked over 5000 hits on our videos and 100's of Emails, PM's etc...

    There will be a DVD coming along at some point, profits will go to a 501st Charity of choice.


    I hope there will be video of a event next time, if I can get someone to take it I will.

    So till the next video take care.





  8. Thanks Chef,


    I would if I had a video camera.

    I think your idea of Dave making a video about the steps to putting on your armor Would be great.


    Come on Dave make us a video! please... :peace:


    I'm trying to finish my armor so I can get 501st approved with my TK-4261 # so I could go to the Loma Linda Children's Hospital here in Southern Calif. at the end of August. I live only 20 minutes from this event and it would be nice to make a lot of children smile on my first troop.

    So if there is anyone going to this event and lives near my area could you please PM me about our local Garrison so I could get approved. I should be done by the middle of August and have all my pics also.


    I want access to the off limit forums :D


    I'm also hoping to get Deployment Status on my first try :salute:





    Oh yeah Dave should make a video....Lol!


    To be honest your armor is much better than mine! Thats no joke...


    Great job and pictures, I think people need both video and photographs to help produce good armor, you have done what I have not with the pictures keep them coming.



    Dave TK-6044

  9. Great job Curtis! :salute:


    Got to love the AP armor, the thigh pieces have great shape compared to the FX ones.

    I might have to glue both the back and the front too, it may help put some shape into mine, at the moment they look like barrels.


    Yes I am still waiting for my Lenses, can't finish Episode 10 Pt5 till I get them, I might have to have bubble vision for SDCC... (Shakes Head, cries soft English tears of calm rage) :6: I must not let the Darkside take over me... Oh wait a minute I am on the Darkside, must remember to put my E-11 Blaster on charge tonight...





    Did I use enough Emoticons in that Post? Nah heres one more :peace:

  10. I've yet to hear heard a sound system that's better than RomFx - it truly is the shiz. That said at $260USD each, I can get a whole TK4205 helmet kit plus some upgrades (like that $10 static burst) and it takes an iPod input for parades. Or I can get two Skullworx kits and tweak them as needed.


    Sure don't get me wrong the RomFx Rocks!

    $260... hmmm... I could put in 26 buttons for that... hmmmm... tempting...lol

    I really like TK-4205 set up + Skullworxs is cool too.

    Oh well maybe when the Empire has conquered another Star System we might get that bonus the Emperor has been promising us...

    See ya soon

    Dave TK-6044

  11. Nice work Dave :D I've built three sound systems myself but none of them were ever really up to the job. I wish I'd seen this a month ago before I bit the bullet and spent ?130 on a ROM FX system, I'd have give it another shot. The ROM FX is a great system, I'd just have prefered not to have splashed out ?130 :rolleyes:


    I would like a RomFX too but ain't got the cash...

    Anyway as you can see I am having fun building my own, probably to much fun for it to be a health obsession... :blink:

    Happy Birthday for the 14th!



  12. RBJ said:
    ..I new this would work!! I havent tried it yet..but I'm glad someone did! I guess I'll have to give it a try..I may put the button in a drop box....




    Excellent! :0Lighten:

    Great minds thin alike... well greatish...

    The sound from the chip alone was not great but through the amp its sounds really good.

    I will be adding several other buttons for fun...

    Once I have done some research I hope just to have a couple of wires going from a plug in the chest to the abs.

    So give it a try and let us all know what you come up with.


    Dave TK-6044

  13. The HOLY GRAIL!


    So I have found a way of adding "Static Burst" to my sound system for around $10.00... Impossible right... well follow the link below and see for yourself...


    The sound system is still a prototype so its a little rough but soon will be a lot better.



    I am planning on adding several buttons with sound effects, Chewy, Yoda, Princess Leia?





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