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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Tiepilot1138

  1. lol i got a good set. was NOT impressed with the helmet though , and he skimped on the arrators. gave me these plastic nobs u had to paint instead of the normal crome ones. everything else was good though



  2. In addition to the occasional meal and drinks, everyone of our guys in attendance for our last National Night Out event was presented with a Manassas Park Police Department Challenge coin and coffee mug by thier Chief. Luckily our CO had a spare Garrison coin to give him as well. Completely unexpected, and Totally cool!

  3. Man, looks like I need to go to this next year! :lol: We'll have to ask Tom how well lipstick comes off the ABS haha.


    It comes off easier than you think (luckily!)


    It was a great time and fun troop. The kids, both young and old, loved us. I was down on the beach earlier in the day wearing a 501st shirt and some guy (probably in his 40's?) stopped and started telling his little kid "Look! He's got a stormtrooper on his shirt!" When I told him to come check us out later that evening when we were appearing I think he was more excited than the little kid!

  4. Hi there, and welcome aboard! There's no need to be afraid, but there's certainly a lot on info to digest. My rig is an FX suit with an MRCE helmet. I'm about 5'10", 170 lbs, and it fit me pretty good without a whole lot of trimming. I don't know a whole lot about the others, but there are several threads on how types fit. Go to an event and see some before you decide, and ask us questions. That's what we're here for!

  5. I barely knew ya! Good luck, and I hope things turn around quickly for you. I echo the sentiments that "once a TK, always a TK. Hopefully we'll see your return soon.


    On a side note, I'm travelling to London in September and was hoping to meet up with some of the UKG while I'm there. If you're local and available, I wouldn't mind having you along too!

  6. I'm in Dallas, TX for work for a few days, and I think I saw one of our brothers driving down the highway! He was in a brown-ish Dodge Durango 4x4 with a white cog on one side of the back window, what looked like a garrison logo (although I don't know whose) on the other side, and a US Army Retired sticker in the middle. It was about 1630 yesterday, and I think I was on Rt 635. Just thought I'd say hi if you see this!

  7. My first time was at a John Williams concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC in the fall of 2007. There were TK's, TD's, rebels and Jedis. The second half of the concert was all Star Wars, and Vader came out to a stormtrooper escort. It was awesome. I had my picture taken with some TD's, and looked like a little kid at Christmas! I'd said since I was a kid that I'd have a TK suit (I always expected it would be on a mannequin). I never thought I'd get to wear it! I guess it was seeing other people suited up made me realize it was possible for me too. (I wonder if my wife regrets taking me to that concert now...)

  8. That is an interesting number. I would imagine it is because the sandy has more moving parts such as the backpack and pouches to contend with. The backpack is no joke and the pouches are sometimes hard to find. However, I like the TD more than the TK. I know that is not going to make me popular here, but the storm trooper is the difinitive icon, while the sandtrooper is a nice deviation into the dirty and gritty side of trooping. I realy love them both.... argh!


    We won't hold it against you (at least I won't) ;) I've always had a fondness for the sandys too. When my TK gets too roughed up to meet Lord Vader's standards it will be converted to a TD.

  9. Welcome! As everyone else has said, do lots of research (there's lots of info on here) before jumping into any purchase. FX armor is probably the most inexpensive. You can get a new kit minus the helmet (you don't want the helmet, trust me!) for around $500. You'll need to add boots, gloves, helmet, blaster, and a bunch of bits to get it to 501st acceptable. It's never truly "done" as there's always stuff to tweak and improve, but budgeting $1000 to get going is reasonable. Don't be afraid to ask if you've got questions, most of us don't bite!

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