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The Dark Side

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Posts posted by The Dark Side

  1. Sorry all. Ok, one of the tan helmets is unusable. The face is fine but the cap and back cannot be reinforced, so I am pulling another this coming week. So as soon as I get it done, I will send it off. I have been so damn busy geitting things doen for C4 I have hardly had the time to get to the computer and update. rest assured it will all go out.


    More to come..




    Thanks Matt

  2. That's a shame that the fiberglass is prone to cracking, I was hoping a sturdy fiberglass would be more resilient. I thought I remember reading somewhere that the CO FG armor was actually a little flexible, but I guess that could've been just that particular set of armor. I'm really more interested in the armor itself and was hoping it would've been worth it, just having an accurate set of ROTJ armor to go with another more accurate, current ROTJ helmet builder. I'm not really worried about weight, and ultimately it would be just for display, with the exception of the couple times I would at least have to show it off. Thanks for the info!


    It would be ok for display purposes buddy. There are 3 lots of potential ROTJ helmet runs on the cards including mine so you shouldn't have any problems finding one!



  3. Just curious if anyone here owns a set of this armor or has any opinions on the accuracy or quality of these fiberglass wonders. I've seen several different versions of the Oakley helmet, each looking different from the other, and was wondering what you would need to look for and or avoid when considering picking these up.


    Also, because the brow trim on these are molded rather than a separate piece, I was thinking you'd have to remove that section all together in order to replace it with a more accurate brow trim. Has anyone done this to an Oakley helmet?


    I'd like to hear what some of the experts have to say about this.


    I have owned 3 CO helmets and neither were very accurate at all. The ear pieces were way off. Personally I don't like FG helmets at all. You would be much better off going with a Styrene TE ROTJ which are spot on. There are a lot of CO rip offs floating around as well. FG armor would only really be any good for display, mine was very very heavy and prone to cracking/breaking.


    With regard to removing the moulded trim, I think it would be a such a pain to do and would need so much filling and sanding, that it would be much easier to just buy a different helmet.


    Just my 2 cents worth.



  4. there was talk of ESB and ROTJ. But odds are there may only be accurate sized ESB Decals since there isnt many ROTJ helmets out. But never say never Java monkey and darkside have ROTJ helmets in the works so they will be a demand that needs to be filled! :lol:


    I have scans of my decals, I will be looking to produce some accurate decals in the near future.



  5. Yep, I realise that. Although it does look ace when it's spot on :)


    I guess it's just trial and error. If I crack it I'll let you know


    The AP helmets have a sort of lip all the way round, that makes them a lot easier to cut. I just marked a pencil line all the way round and cut to that if that makes any sense. I don't think there is any 'easy' way. This is by far the most annoying part of assembling a helmet :lol:



  6. Man you guys do it all, Buy it, cook it and chew it up for me....... :P and all i have to do is digest it. :blink::D


    Thx once again


    Matt thanks for the tip!!!


    I have a set of Troopermaster hand plates in ABS. Drop me a pm if anyone wants them. Price is what I paid $30 I think.



  7. Nice!!


    Great piece Joe.


    Anymore pics? I wouldn't mind some close ups of the mic tips.

    They look simular scale etc to mine.


    Did the previous owner use silicone on the ears?


    Hey Ian


    The previous owner had the helmet restored and added the silicone, now this is gone it looks a lot better, much more like it should do. They buffed the helmet to restore the shine, it has now since yellowed again. I personally would never have touched it but each to their own, I am just chuffed to be able to own an original, it was a lifelong dream, I expected it to take me at least until I was 50 not 28! LOL


    Here are a couple of pics pre-restoration of the mic tips:





  8. Hey all


    Here's some pictures of my original ROTJ background studio helmet used in the Death Star scenes of Jedi, this came directly from the set in '82 and was with the same owner until I acquired it about 3 months ago.


    Interesting point to note is that the frown has squared ends, there is a mixture of rounded and square ended frowns in the helmets used in Jedi. The mic tips are recast from ANH/ESB tips and so are about as sharp as the replica tips cast from Matt G's ANH helmets and differ from the 'location' helmet mic tips which are larger. It is also a lot bigger than my ANH TE helmet, the lenses are useless and you can barely see through them :lol:


    Here is a pic of mine pre-restoration :( , mine is on the left, JB's in the middle and David O's on the right (Note all three of these helmets share the same 'tell' on the interior):




    A pic when I first received it:




    I have now removed the replica ear and the silicone between the ears and face and cap/back piece. Pics to follow.





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