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Posts posted by Delta-38

  1. Ok, I guess I'll use Oops and a razor. That's actually a good idea, like you could get the oops and brush it on on the glue then scrape that sound a lot easier than a glue gun. But then how would the glue stick, because once you use oops or goo gone the glue can't stick too the surface or is that with epoxy glue? Meditate on this I will.

  2. Those links you posted do not work. try uploading them on to the internet first. Try Tinypic.com to upload your pictures to, then get the links. :)


    When i replaced my lenses for flat ones, the hot glue came off really easy. Just peeled off of the ABS.

    Sorry I have Mac so I was in mind set of drag and drop. Any who I tried to soften the with a glue gun without the ammo. It seemed to work a little, but was afraid that I might mess my helm up.
  3. I have a problem. My helmet has curved cloudy lenses and I want to replace them with flat green lenses to make them movie accurate, but the current ones are glued very well to the helmet. I have the green lenses it just that I can't get the hot glue off. I don't really now what I'm doing. I tried to softened the glue and tried to peal it of but I' afraid that I might mess up my helmet. What should I do and how? Here some pic so you can see the specimen.

    they're glued where all the key places meat.










  4. I have a problem. My helmet has curved cloudy lenses and I want to replace them with flat green lenses to make them movie accurate, but the current ones are glued very well to the helmet. I have the green lenses it just that I can't get the hot glue off. I don't really now what I'm doing. I tried to softened the glue and tried to peal it of but I' afraid that I might mess up my helmet. What should I do and how? Here some pic so you can see the specimen.


    they're glued where all the key pieces meet





    Here's my flat lenses

  5. I have a problem. My helmet has curved cloudy lenses and I want to replace them with flat green lenses to make them movie accurate, but the current ones are glued very well to the helmet. I have the green lenses it just that I can't get the hot glue off. I don't really now what I'm doing. I tried to softened the glue and tried to peal it of but I' afraid that I might mess up my helmet. What should I do and how? Here some pic so you can see the specimen.


  6. Yes, I was lucky when I got my armor. I bought it so some of it fits and some don't like the left thigh piece. The rivet will pop out but not like ever time walk around because I haven't been on a lot of missions. So rivet gun, do you just screw the washer or just put it on the rivet before you load it in the

    rivet gun? Thanks

  7. Hi, guys I'm back I was really foolish to have said what said. For anyone that doesn't know me,

    I'm Matt, I guess I'm fairly new because I haven't been on for along time. I finally bought some armor,

    also I put an amp in my helm. I've been to some events like ComiCon in Dallas and Toy Drives.


    - Delta 38

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