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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Hook

  1. I am looking to build a second TK, as my first is retired. I have six other costumes CT, TC, SL, BS, TS, and rebel pilot, and I feel envy when I see a clean TK. It is still the best costume out there!


    I am looking at the AM armor, as I am 6' 200lbs. I was wondering if the helpmet was updated from the old FX configuration; I have two of those block head things. If anyone has a pic of one I would love to see it? please post

  2. If you are new at this hobby, making your own armor would be a disaster. Unless you are secretly gifted, all it would produce is a train wreck that every one would balk at.


    Get the kit, and use your creativity to put it together right. I know people who can throw a TK together in an all day prop party; that's all fine, but I would take at least a month, regardless of how many I have worked on. A tk it is a great starting point to get into this hobby, and you get a cool costume to boot.


    As far as the Halo vs Star Wars question. Halo is cool game, and I love wearing the armor; daddy gets lots of love in the master chief. With that said, there is something very special about the star wars universe, and is brilliant on so many levels. Star Wars has inspired me the majority of my life and has attributed to my success professionally.


    Star Wars wins

  3. Thanks, Hook.


    Are there any pics available of the new FAX? Maybe they should call it FAX. B)


    Also, do you have any contact info for the new FX maker(s)? I'd be really interested in seeing they would offer parts instead of the whole kit. I plan on keeping my AP bucket, but it would be nice to replace the old FX parts with new ones as money would allow.

    I read elsewhere here on this board that it would be cool if there was a central location of all the current armor makers with pricing and I agree. It would be nice.


    Thanks. ;)



    I am friendly with them, but at the same time they are running a very fragile operation, and they keep much of this information close to the vest. I am afraid if I get to nosy them may worry of my intentions.


    I have purchase just a bucket from them in the past, so I have to think they would consider other options. But if you think of it, you could get the whole kit, and shelve the bucket, or make some money on it from trooper like me that have heads with their own planetoid system. :lol:

  4. You are correct about the AFX vs FX. I worded that poorly. I communicate often with the FX armor makers, and they told me mods are coming and they would appear in the fan boys movie. I interpret their statement as meaning the "new" AFX. This all started when I had suggested a change to to top of the bucket to give is a more rounded (accurate) look. This is changing only one mold to start, that would go a long way to improving the overall look.


    Lets face it guys, there is a reason why 95% of the Legion uses FX, and i don't think is all about price. The true accurate armor does not fit most people out there. I have been lifting off and on most of my life, and the shoulder bells that look so awesome, don't even fit over my shoulders. I agree some mods would make the kit look better, but a larger set of armor is needed for those people who don't look like marathon runners. Yes i am jealous. :(


    The people who make the FX stuff are very good people, and have always treated me and my friends right. They have kept the price low regardless of the escalation of ABS cost. What is even more admirable is the demand they have seen after the Rose parade, and the upcoming C4 / 30th. Despite this they have not raised prices. I hope they are making mods because the legion needs a reliable source for armor is we are going to continue to prosper. If this source did go away none of us could afford to buy armor because prices would skyrocket, if you could get armor at all. Even if a new player did merge into the market, you can bet your bottom dollar they would take advantage of demand and keep prices high as long as possible.


    So like the fx mold or not, these folks provide an intricate economic function in our ability to get that stuff we want,,, need,,, must have.


    Sorry for the ramble,

  5. I have built several armored costumes of different types, a couple were ABS, and the others were in styrene. I love styrene for one reason, it i easy to manipulate with a heat gun. On the other hand, styrene is a far more brittle material than ABS. You can run a shallow cut with a razor knife and styrene will snap like a twig. If you get a split in the armor, it will spread like cracked glass.


    I would NEVER buy a styrene stormtrooper. In order to get the correct shine, you have to paint the stuff, and then you have to worry about scuffs. Not to offend, but that is my opinion.


    And by the way, FX may be on its way out, but there will soon be AFX. An upgraded version to the tested armor. I hear through the grapevine this new armor will make the first appearance in Fan Boys

  6. The average person out there couldn't tell one from the other. Since my main focus is charity and public events to share my love for Star Wars, I am content with the FX for my size. I am 6.1, and weight about 215. The more accurate suits just don't look good on me, and the bucket doesn't fit. If I were 5.7, 160lbs, the story would be different because the fx as a whole just wouldn't look proportionate.


    I was thinking of upgrading my helmet, since that is the most obvious issue, but with my stature it looked like I had my head shrunk. I think it is all about wearing the right armor to fit your size. It would be great if FX could change the back portion of their helmet to make it more rounded to at least be a little more screen accurate. I think this fix would be a huge difference.


    I am also on the Sith, TDH, and clone boards. Some people who decide to spend their life saving on upgrades feel that just because they did it, the upgrades should then be the standard. No disrespect intended, but I am no longer in the military, and I do this for the fans; and I am certainly not getting paid for it. This hobby is a learning process, and their is a lot of catty behavior out there; it should be all about having fun with friends, and learning new skills.


    Sorry for the ramble, I just get a little frustrated on "screen accurate" topics; there are a select few that need to get a grip on what is important. :rolleyes:


    One good thing though; this forum is the most friendly in terms of not looking down on beginners and those who are trying to learn. I hope this spirit continues, since it help with recruiting efforts.

  7. Jamie

    If I may, I will give you the same advise I give to people who come to our garrison boards. Find your local garrison via the legion boards. Contact the officers and get on those boards showing interest in being part of the 501st. In order to become a member of the 501st you must first gain acceptance of the garrison in which you live. Please remember this, membership is not a right, it is a privilege, so please be humble in your quest.


    Do not approach the group looking for armor sources; you have to understand that a lot of people just want to buy the armor, and have no intention of being active. There is nothing wrong with that, but the legion can not be part of creating a path for distribution. If someone just wants armor they will have to work it out on their own. If someone sincerely wants to be a pat of the legion, the members will help you make a good decision.


    Go to as many events and prop parties as you can. Act as a handler (person who Helps with crowds and costumes) to gain the trust of other members. Before you know it, you will be wearing a plastic full body girdle :blink:


    Oh yea, when you log onto the local board in your area you may want to loose the TK#. These are official numbers we use to identify our membership; it is very personal. The number you have may already be taken by a current member and that may not go over so well.

  8. Getting a replica is not a bad idea for official photos and trading card pics, and maybe for some trooping events. For the most part a heavy metal or resin blaster for trooping is a bad idea for use when wearing a TK. Not only will you give a dozen kids a concussion, it will weigh down your belt when you holster it.


    look for the flowing:

    Hasbro blaster - cut off the tip and paint it as a minimum, you can add some parts to make it look better like a folding stock, sterling tip, clip, counter, etc

    Hyper-firm - these are expensive, but very nice; it is a rubber material that is very light. Don't lay it Down or it is gone

    Home made - there are guys out there that can throw together an e-ll with the contents of your glove box.


    This is a personal note and my opinion only. At the end of the day, your most important audience is the kids. They don't care if you have a converted sterling or a mod Hasbro. Use what works best for you and your intended purpose to wear the costume.

  9. This is very fundamental, but for the new trooper it may help. Go to the drug store and ask for an irrigation syrenge or a childs medicine syrenge. You can suck up ABS glue into this thing and control you glue bead. The plastic is surgical grade so the glue will simply peel out once dried and you can use it over and over.


    Another good tip is to always sand before you glue two pieces of ABS or Styrene. Don't bother knocking off the dust from sanding either since the smaller particles add the the chemical bond.


    I have some pics of some small mods I did to prevent the chin and ear pieces from coming off, but i will have to load thoe later.

  10. I would say it depends on how much you want to spend. The FX is very reasonable, the others may cost more. Another thing to consider is your size. If you are under 6', and have a thin frame, you can do any kit you want. If you are a larger person, you may want to consider the FX. I am 6'1, and weigh about 220. I also lift weights so I have a thick frame. If I wore a AP kit I would look like a stuffed sausage.


    On the other hand, if you are a smaller guy and only weight a buck and a half, the FX may look out of proportion on you. I have seen some female troopers use FX armor, and buy an AP helmet. The proprtions look very good. I have to have the larger bucket with my huge melon.


    Regardless of what you do, what matters the most is how you fit it to your frame.


    hope this helps

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