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Everything posted by JeffD

  1. What is the best kind od pop rivet tool to use for armor building? Im confused about where to use rivets versus glue...
  2. JeffD


    LOL! That's the best!
  3. JeffD


    Thank you so much! I appreciate your help!
  4. JeffD


  5. JeffD


    I just got my punch set for my snaps. Punch set https://imgur.com/gallery/GuYC9qm
  6. Cadet 3040 here, What parts of the armor should you use rivets and what parts do you use the snaps? What are the parts that you should be glued only? Just trying to get an overall idea of what goes where. Thanks.
  7. Thanks for reaching out to me Gerald! I appreciate being encouraged.
  8. JeffD


    I appreciate you and the FISD being patient and not giving up on helping me!šŸ‘
  9. JeffD


    Glen, I think i just figured out the jpeg problem i was having. I needed to first drop the URL into my thread, then re-open the image in imgur. Then re-post it back to my thread as a jpeg.
  10. JeffD


    Bart, I'm in the process of trying something with my imgur jpeg image. At At walker https://imgur.com/gallery/TESdgLN
  11. JeffD


    No, it only gives me the option to attach the link it gives to the photo. Then i post it on imgur. Next, i go to my thread in the FISD and paste the link to the thread directly. No options for jpeg or jpg.
  12. JeffD


    Thank you all for helping me get this far with imgur. Hopefully the way I'm pasting the links, like this, will allow me to start my build thread. I really appreciate your patience and dedication to helping try to understand it all. I have re-read through the tutorial to see if i missed somthing, and it appears i am using imgur correctly. I attached test pic below to try and send this as jpeg, but i couldn't. My toys https://imgur.com/gallery/rkq0aPl
  13. JeffD


    Hi team. This is Cadet JeffD. I just posted an image from imgur above. Just trying to make sure im doing this correctly. I just don't see any way to change my images to jpegs. As long as my images come through and you can click on the pasted links in my forum, i believe im good to go, with starting my build thread. My example pic is labeled "My toys". Thanks again everyone for helping me get this far!
  14. JeffD


    My toys https://imgur.com/gallery/rkq0aPl
  15. JeffD


    Yep, that's how I've been putting the links in, by copy and paste. Just doesn't show an option to send as jpeg, probably because of my phone's limitations.
  16. JeffD


    Im using my phone. I dont have a computer to use for my threads. Im wondering if that's why i cant find the jpeg option for it.
  17. JeffD


  18. JeffD


    Hi Glen. I couldn't find an option for changing it to a jpeg or jpg.
  19. JeffD


    Justin, Thanks for your good direction with this step! Ive attached a link to my green helmet lens. https://imgur.com/gallery/RqA5szA
  20. JeffD


    What kind of utility knife works best for trimming out the armor? I read someone was using curved lexon scissors...
  21. JeffD


    Ok, thanks! What does that do differently?
  22. JeffD


    I have just received my snaps. Line 24 type. https://imgur.com/gallery/qgAd0ZR
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