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Posts posted by bunkermulligan

  1. This is extremely helpful. Thank you. I've already started the sizing/trimming process and was worried I was taking too much off. My arms are a little bigger so I'm having to thin out the edges quite a bit to get a comfortable fit. Looking at reference photos online when I started were a good start but the ones you just provided give me a lot more confidence with what I am doing.

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  2. I really do appreciate all of your advice, and I'll definitely be dropping a line as I go along for more of it. I'm starting today with the biceps and will progress from there slowly but surely. I feel those will be a good point to start from working with measurements and cutting strips, etc. I am definitely excited to start the process, but there is truth to what I've been told when in comes to making that first cut...I want to throw up. haha. I'm guessing that's normal.

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  3. I really appreciate it. I've decided to go with the TK (Stunt) from ANH, and I purchased my build kit from RS Propmasters. I've been watching their build videos on YouTube and found them very insightful and interesting. I've also been watching a few others on top of reading the threads on this site. I know there's definitely a lot more that goes into the process, but my OCD is ready for the challenge haha. I was initially torn on whether to do stunt or hero, but the stunt spoke to me and seemed like a the best fit.

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  4. Hello everyone. I wanted to first say thank you to everyone on this platform. As a newbie to this (trying to decide what to build, etc.) I've literally spend the last few months diving down this rabbit hole of information. It's was a little overwhelming at first, but as I started getting more knowledgable about the information layout it definitely got easier. And I'm very appreciative of the knowledge you have all been willing to share, especially for people like me who are just getting into this. I've been to a few of the build parties with my local chapter, helped volunteer at some of their events and I couldn't be more excited to start the process myself. I just got my TK kit in (much to the surprise and chagrin of my wife haha), but in truth she thinks it's pretty cool, and I can't wait to get started building it. Thanks again.

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