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Posts posted by JoshuaPaulBlackerby

  1. I ordered a ebay scout trooper helmet, high end replica, imperial, empire, by cyber craft. I am wanting to get approved to be in the 501st legion, however, I bought the scout trooper blaster, on ebay, an also high end replica for a good price. Anyways, May I get somewhat of a approval since I got the helmet, and blaster? I am unable to get the armor set, and full set, its over 1,000 dollars, I live on social security disability checks. My case manager thats over the checks allowed me to make one major pruchase and thats final, it, purchase, no more high end outfits after my helmet purchase, meaning, I cant make anymore for along time, or, never again. Thats the sad part, 1,000+ dollars is out of my budget completely. May I get approved just with helmet and blaster and be considered a member? Its an honest star, and its the best that I can do and offer. I wish to volunteer. And help the 501st legion, and do events, like you guys do, and attend them. I hope you underrstand understand and i hope we can work something out.

  2. Thank you. I won't give up, I just got to remain positive. Its hard to remain positive sometimes. I always try my best, I have been turned down with the bloodfin garrison many times. Like Glen said, its an expensive hobby, you are not wrong there. It will take a lot of saving to get movie replica accurate costumes. The black series should be approved, due to the fact of the tinted lenses, as long as its not rubies, rightfully tit should be 501st approved. Your examples do help, like, I could help, with directions, yes. I can be like a guest, but not dressed up, however, I would at least like to bring the helmet with me, wear regular clothes with it, for I won't be mistaken as a 501st legion member, just the helmet alone will do the trick. I saw some armor venues online, its out of my budget, the shipping, taxes, it feels and seems impossible and an unrealistic goal of mine. I have been wanting to join the 501st for along time, I thought about an honorary membership, but, with the bloodfin garrison, its not possible within the state of Indiana.


    Is there a way I can have and be given an honorary membership as an honorary first order stormtrooper if its possible with this detachment? I just need permission to, well, you guys would need to contact your highest ranks, and see if I qualify for an honorary membership or not, if that is possible, that would be great. I can go trooping in my own town, Bedford Indiana, and Mitchell, when I go visit my dad and brother, its extremely likely I can be an honorary member, its just, I got to talk to the right staff and get something figured out, if it can't happen, I understand. No worries at all. I completely understand the reasons.

  3. This here is the costume I am going to purchase. 




    Rubies, stormtrooper first order, I sent my response to the bloodfin garrison, so, I gave them a better idea on what I can be considered as, example, VIP/guest/member, anything you want to call it. I don't mind. I would love to hang out with you guys, take pictures with you, chill, hang out, talk, we are all like a family here, that is what counts and that is what I like, and I enjoy it a lot. I can't make any promises, but, I really hope to attend an event if my dad or uncle scott can take me to one if I knew ahead of time to let them know. Its an affordable costume and I am able to purchase it. So, yeah, it will all work out. :) 

  4. This new helmet came out, at game stop, ebay, amazon, etc, and I saw it at game stop, and my Uncle scott got it for me for Christmas a bit early, I am 21. I was born November 28th, 2000. I had a Birthday this year,. I would like to be apart of the legion, however, I wish to use an affordable costume I can get on ebay, I cannot get it anywhere else, I have no card debit card/credit card, and I don't have the money to get the full set, so, I only have enough to get a downgrade, still, better than nothing, I live in Bedford Indiana, I contacted the bloodfin garrison, hopefully I can attend their events once I get the jumpsuit. Rubies edition, for an affordable price on ebay. Have  a Merry Christmas guys, take care, stay safe, and I look forward to being apart of your community as a fill in, or whatever you want to call it. The helmet is black series, I just want to be a regular member,/guest member, or whatever you guys call it, have a great one!

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  5. Hello, my name Is Joshua Blackerby. I am requesting 501st legion/bloodfin garrison access, I joined on their site along time ago. I have the first order stormtrooper helmet. I got it from game stop today, its the black series. I don't have the other full suit, just, the helmet. I am going to try my best to find an affordable version, like, the rubies edtion, jumpsit, jumpsuit, edition. Here is the link to my facebook profile, for you can see what the helmet looks like on me, when wearing it.







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