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Posts posted by MikerScout

  1. On 9/1/2021 at 7:10 AM, justjoseph63 said:

    Welcome, Mike!  Which version of Capt. Phasma are you going for, TFA (link) or TLJ (link) ?  The costumes look more or less the same overall, but there are quite a few distinct differences, and the CRLs are going to be updated in the near future so I would keep an eye out for any changes.

    If you have any questions, always feel free to post up or PM any of us on the D.O. staff... we are here to help!  

    Hi Joe!  I think she has decided on the TLJ build.  It's a bit more.... crisp.  We are in the research phase now, starting to compile material lists and such.  I was looking for the build thread for TK 19666 as he's the one for the CRL pics, I have yet to find it though.  This project was kind of on the back burner but I brought my wife to Fan Expo Boston...  it's game on!!! 

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  2. Greetings from the coast of Maine.

    I am here, at the moment it seems doing research for my wife.  I'm starting to lay out a Captain Phasma build for her.  I just recently finished my TB and have the bug to keep building.  This project will be much slower I'm sure than the 2 months I took to do my scout but it should be equally fun!!  I'll be poking in and out and asking all the dumb questions.  Thanks in advance for putting up with me.  :D

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