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Posts posted by Af_Gael

  1. Thanks Christine!  I'm 5'5" so it shouldn't be too terrible I think, I'm just having that "new things" apprehension.  I'll get over it.  :)  I'm part of the "A Little Short For A Trooper" facebook group and have already found a couple of build threads to reference, so really now I just need to get everything ready to start and dive in.

  2. Hey all!  Lady trooper here working on my first TK.  I recently received kit from WTF, and hope to start trimming and all that jazz soon.  This project is not going to set any speed records and truth be told I'm feeling a bit daunted by the prospect.  My TIE was a completed set so no building required there, and my Maladi was mostly fabric work, so this is the first time I'm really working with armor of this type.  Then there's the height consideration.  I'm excited though and looking forward to advice!

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  3. Hello all!  SL/TI-22175 checking in with a new build aspiration!  I currently have an approved reserve and ANH TIE, as well as an approved Darth Maladi.  Earlier this year I relocated from Carolina Garrison over to Ohio Garrison and that seemed like a good excuse for a new build.  :)  So here we go, starting on a TK.  I'm 5'5" and slender, so I think there's a lot of trimming in my future, but slow and steady wins the race as they say.  I won't lie, this project is a bit daunting.


    Is this an acceptable forum for WIP threads or should it go elsewhere?


    trooper uncut.jpg

    trooper pieces.jpg

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