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Posts posted by McMotas

  1. Good day fellow troops. I would like to share the mod I did on one of the horrible Rubies helmets. As you know, it is one of the most ugly and inaccurate helmets on the market, but I got one very cheap, and I resolved to mod it on a budget. It took me less than 40 dollars (30 the helmet and 10 the mod materials). Despite it is not perfect, and far from the basic 501st standards, I think the change is remarkable. I'll give you a picture of the before and after. I used as a reference the ROTJ version of the helmet.


    The steps i followed and the changes introduced where:


    1. Disassemble the parts of the helmet

    2. Take off the bug lenses and trim with a dremel the eye holes.

    3. Cut 1 inch of the dome and re-screw it on the bottom-back part of the helmet.

    4. Remove the back grey squares and refill the gaps with a small piece of aluminum (in my case) or plastic plate

    5. Re sculpt with epoxy putty the eyes bags, the tear frame, sharp the respirator tubes, and reshape the vocoder (with a bit of sanding of course)

    6. Re paint with accurate colors and ROTJ scheme.

    7. Print the stickers and add a coat of varnish to protect it all.

    8. Add the frown trim and the under-helmet one. (I used a C one, not and S)

    9. Re sculpt the eyes glasses with a green plastic sheet (I did not followed this last step, and for the moment I’m using the old black bubble eyes, glued inside with hot silicone)




    before after.jpg

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