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Posts posted by Pjk

  1. Hey! I’ve spent the last few days lurking around for answers here but I have a question I couldn’t seem to find the answer to. I bought my husband a RS prop replica kit for Christmas a few years back and we are just starting to build it now. My question; I think we want to go with the snap build as that seems to be the recommended course of action. When I bought the kit I didn’t buy the strapping add on from RS Prop, will I need that in addition to the supplies laid out in the supply post (snaps, split rivets, etc) or will we be able to assemble with the supplies listed? Just wondering since the strapping kit is £99 and shipping to Canada is a touch rich for my blood at the moment.  Thanks in advance for the help, we are super excited to get started. This site has already provided me with more information that I can process so I know I’m in the right place! 

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