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Posts posted by ScorchedxEarthx

  1. Wow! Thank you everyone for all of the assistance and kind welcome.

    Man, there is so much valuable information already provided here, and I greatly appreciate it. This is going to help a lot

    As far as going from Vader to Trooper, I’m sure any kid who’s a Star Wars fan has dreamed of owning a set of that white armor... I’m absolutely no exception to that idea.

  2. Thank y’all for the warm welcome!

    I’m hoping to help my brother with his first build and eventually lead into mine, so I’m probably going to have a ton of questions as we go!

    For me personally:

    While I realize this may be putting the wagon before the bantha, I actually have a question about voice audio. For my Vader Build, this is the last piece I need to finish, and I will most definitely need it when I eventually join the ranks of TKs.

    Have any of you had any luck with the trooper Talk app? I have the recommended hardware, but for the life of me can’t seem to get it to work properly.

  3. Hi All! So, when I jumped into this whole 501st thing, I went in deep. I’m currently awaiting approval on my ESB Vader build; my first build...


    But I know that Vader is not always able to show up to every troop, so I will get to still pursue my other goal of a TK!


    I’m undecided on a lot of factors and have quite a bit to look into, but I know these forums can be incredibly helpful and I’m excited to jump into this side and learn!

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