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Posts posted by TheDeadlyAdder

  1. Thanks for the advice guys. Looking into RS now. Since I'm new to this and I don't have any experience painting or putting together kits of any sort would I be ok handling that on my own or would it be best to try and scrape the money together for a ready to go set? Just worried I'd mess up all the painting and such. Looking at it so far the easiest on my wallet would be the TIE Pilot... I suppose we could always use more pilots, someone needs to take care of those X-Wings. I'm also only 5'7 so I'd fit well inside one of those cockpits haha.


  2. Hi guys. New guy here. I've known there have been Star Wars groups out there for a while now but I've only now plucked up the courage to join one. Attended a Supanova event today and saw a few guys trooping around in differing Stormtrooper armour and finally thought I'd try and find a group of other people I could meet and get into this sort of stuff with. I don't really know all that much about costume building and such as I've been a kind of watch from afar guy until this point so any tips or anyone willing to help would be greatly appreciated. So far all I have is an EFX Collectables A New Hope Stormtrooper helmet and I also have an Original Stormtrooper E11 Blaster Rifle from Shepperton Design Studios that should arrive in a couple days. Not sure if the blaster is ok to use and I'm pretty sure the helmet isn't accurate enough just from looking at it. So yeah, any help or guidance would really be awesome and looking forward to joining some people that love Star Wars as much as I do. I've been looking more at the Shepperton Design Studios/ Original Stormtrooper sets and I'm wanting to get your guy's opinion on the MK3 Battle Spec Armour they have. It's about the only one there I can afford but I'm not sure if it's entirely up to scratch?. Thanks for any feedback :)

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