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Posts posted by Magromancer

  1. On 3/29/2019 at 7:22 PM, gmrhodes13 said:

    Well that does give you time for more research, as others have said with a hard costume it is a little difficult on some sizing but you could always do a soft costume while your whittling down ;) 


    Good luck and hope to see you with some armor in the not too distant future 

    yeah I went through all of the costumes on the 501st website and none of the all fabric costumes appeal to me, and I’m unable to make one that requires a latex mask as I’m allergic to latex.

  2. 4 hours ago, FN-1313 said:

    Welcome! And as others have said you can be anyone you like to be. If that’s a trooper then fantastic. I had to modify my armor to fit my legs more so it’s doable. 


    For me the idea idea is live out your dream. If that’s as a Stormtrooper then we will take care of you!

    thanks for the insight, I might just wait until I’m a somewhat normal weight, maybe when I can fit into a size 38 pant (48 right now) I’ll start thinking about getting my Stormtrooper Costume Kit.

  3. 13 hours ago, lucnak said:

    Hello and welcome to the FISD! As everyone has said, we will do everything we can to get you to approval! I also think AM is probably the best option for you too, though RT-Mod is also made for larger troopers.

    thanks, I was talkin to another person from The Outer Rim Garrison and he said he makes armour as well but his XL can only fit somebody upto 6’4” tall and 220 pounds.  atm though I’m 6’ tall and 327 pounds.

  4. 14 hours ago, justjoseph63 said:

    Although I don't know his name or exact weight, here is a photo of an approved TKC trooper that will give you an idea of how armor can be made to fit anyone.  Will it require extra work?  Yep, but we can help you with any issues you may have.  If you have the desire, we have the resources!



    yeah I saw this person before actually when I was searching for people who’d be close to my weight, looking at this person and me I believe I’m a bit lighter than they are, but not entirely sure.

  5. 17 hours ago, Coastertk said:

    Hey Matt, welcome to the group. As a 200+lb trooper I can assure you that with the right kit choice, and a little bit of elbow grease you can build to Centurion level IF you build the kit to fit your body. Given the fact that you are in the Outer Rim, it only makes sense to contact Pandatrooper at RT-MOD and get the ball rolling. Maybe you can do a quick test fit with a some freshly pulled Ab and Kidney pieces to see how much you may need to shim. You can tell Aphinity to stick it, and challenge accepted. 

    thanks Coaster, do you know of any people that are roughly around the 330 pound range that I could see the fit of the stuff you mentioned?

  6. thanks for the advice everyone, I found somebody in the Garrison that I’m wanting to join have a build tutorial on YouTube, his YouTube Account is called Panda Props & Costumes, if I get stuck on something I can always contact him, the video series he’s doing actually is using the AM Armour for a heavier guy like myself, funny thing is though, I’ve actually lost about 40 pounds so I’m a lot skinnier than I used to be, and by the time I actually get the kit I’ll be a lot skinnier by then.

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  7. I just started researching the 501st after I saw the Outer Rim Garrison at Fan Expo Vancouver last year and this year and want to make my own Costume, I had my heart set on an ANH Stormtrooper but one of my friends in the 501st said I don’t have the right body type for it and I should instead go with one of the fabric costumes like the Imperial Crew/Trooper, only thing is that I’m not a fan of those costumes.  I really want to be a Stormtrooper but atm Im 6’ tall and about 325 pounds right now.  I’m kind of hesitant about joining the 501st right now because if I do decide to ignore my friend I’d probably never hear the end of why he doesn’t like me dressed up like a Stormtrooper.

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