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Posts posted by Triplet99c

  1. Oh, shoot, yes! I'm sorry I didn't update on here! My armor is finished for the most part! I just gotta trim the legs a little more and add the knee plate my goal really was to just get it wearable enough for Halloween. I was able to get done thanks to the many many armor parties I went to before Halloween4746f0870685966636b0f02036eb72a3.jpg

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  2. Are you referring to an elastic strap from cod to butt plate? It may be too tight. It's really just there to stop the butt plate or the cod from flaring out.
    I did have to get it tightened at one point, since you could see it before. It was loose, so you could see it hanging when you looked from the side. But, I can see if I can losen it a little bit

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  3. I think that if you were to secure the cod to the ab again, it will prevent it from tucking in between your legs. You can see in your "pulled down" photo that it's tilting forward. Attaching it to your ab plate (e.g. gluing the pieces together) will keep it vertical and may prevent this discomfort.
    So should I detach the elastic from underneath? Because that's mainly what's pulling it back. Or keep it there and just secure it to the ab?

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  4. Agree with Luc. The entire ab/kidney/cod area looks too high. None of the back, kidney, or butt should be overlapping. The cod and butt should not be attached. If you detach them, you should be be able to drop the butt down way lower. If the cod is digging into your thighs you should be able to trim in down a bit. The whole ab is sitting too high - drop it down and tuck the cod behind it. On me, the bottom of the ab piece hits just around my hip bones. On you it looks like it could be lowered by a few inches.
    There's honestly nothing else I can do for trimming the cod. The rounded end part is what's digging into my thighs, but I've already trimmed so much off. Any more trimming and it would deformed, from what I've been able to tell

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  5. Finally some updates on my armor!

    A lady from my Garrison came over on Saturday to help me size some of my pieces, especially my torso pieces, since they were very large and laid flat on me. Since I'm a female and well, curvy, she heated them with a heat gun and brought the kidney and butt plates in for me. Below you can see before and after stuff.

    My butt and cod are attached at the sides to make a pair of pants I suppose, haha! And the ab and kidney are connected now too. The chest and back have the shoulder straps attached so my torso is good to go My chest DOES cover a bit of the ab, but hers did too and she is part of the 501st, so she told me not to worry too much about the chest covering most of the ab buttons.

    Speaking of ab buttons, just got those painted:

    All I have left to do is:
    - trim and connect the thighs(almost done trimming)
    -trim and connect the shins(almost done trimming)
    -put more padding in my helmet
    -attach biceps to forearms
    -attach legs to the ab
    -get handplates on my gloves
    -make my belt smaller
    -construct thermal detonator
    -attach holster to belt

    NOTE: I know my butt plate seems up high, though if I bring it down, the cod goes down too, and digs into my thighs. She has hers positioned high and no one had a problem. I have a picture below of when I bought it down a bit. The cod hurt! Ouch! The strap connecting the two below also seemed to hang a bit but... I'll probably have to deal with it. Bringing the butt and cod down DID look better.

    And that's about it!9374fe508ddf40cf36fac1f0de437c3c.jpg073a2505b7579a3c9fd9eb24f8794897.jpg36a87bf1b2eee948b841db3c3588f017.jpgeed5ea81eca7aa2c1358a3258a29a2b1.jpgd1447fe81003b72a49d003bc4ee5a479.jpg3019af2a96ab3dc9561bcd9685ce9531.jpg2520de01df7e735884bea5300fbc17fa.jpg

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  6. Yeah, I'm just not sure how much more to modify it, since I've already cut quite a bit from the neck to bring it up

    You'll definitely need to mod the chest plate to ensure that the button plates on the ab show. There's a lot of overlap right now.

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  7. More progress on the armor So, put together all of the front and most of the back. Things to fix:

    - connect the ab and kidney on the sides so they close
    -put padding in my helmet
    -get shorter elastic and Velcro to connect my kidney and butt plates and kidney and back

    Other than that, I think it's turning out good! DEFINITELY will need to install my fans once my building is done. It gets stuffy in there! 6810b22658069181b54f7c2572f9ca74.jpgb2591631151721d3c5353a4b8e0bf963.jpg4238b1eacac62ecf0070013d15bfdefc.jpg

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  8. Updaaates~
    Got to go to another armor party last night, which was once again, a huge help! One of the members helped me finish up my forearms to where they fit me a looot better. Also trimmed a little on the top of the chest plate to bring it up so more of the ab shows. And began strapping! Yay, progress! Torso is nice and fitted. Just have to strap together my arms, finish strapping the torso and begin the legs. (Also, disclaimer, my forearms aren't THAT big. The angle of the photo is just weird.) At least I'll look buffer now, haha!b57e4a0ae3360f4892c16b49c213f7cc.jpg71f95c53a0f97c341b54c6444990beb6.jpg7914b4b03a22830c255709e785cf833b.jpgf820f3836c5243f93d6d2ff197351107.jpg

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  9. A trick is to line them up and hold them together with some painters tape, then run the tape inside the back the full length, this will hold them together and you can then remove the tape on the outside and glue the cover strip on then hold again with either clamps, magnets, painters tape or a combination of all three  
    I'll have to try that next time

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  10. I unfortunately never got a picture, the at one of the wrist ends, the strip shifted to the side so that one of the ends of the forearm was exposed, though I removed the cover strip and shifted it over so it's fixed now

    Hey Taylor do you have a photo of the glued cover strip? I'm mostly curious about what you mean about sitting weird.

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  11. Finally made some progress! One forearm is done! Putting on cover strips is the WORST! On one side of the finished forearm, the strip kept shifting everytime I put down a clamp, so it ended up a little weird. I'm just...gonna leave it for now. Below is a picture of one forearm that is trimmed, and one that hasn't been trimmed yet. Huge difference! Curse my small forearms!

    Marked the second Popeye arm to cut length wise, and also marked my chest piece. Just gotta cut the neck a couple centimeters at a time 74682ace79aa79a12f6a856bb06d30a8.jpg9c0bd01c25c7b6eee6d624fbd25d8983.jpg63924b02d01b0b05dfecf6440c1a0406.jpg

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  12. So far, all I've done is trim the return edge off of the top of the neck. Feels a LOT better.

    Echoing Dan's comment - the kidney and ab should be lined up. That will bring your butt plate down significantly and reduce the overlap of back plate over kidney.
    Before you go trimmming the bottom of the chest plate, I would trim the neck opening to come further down. Will still look about the same overall shape. If then you still need more room, then you could consider cutting the bottom of the chest.

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  13. Yeah, my friend and I had a rough time getting everything to stay and such. I'll definitely have to do a hot water bath for most of these pieces.

    My main concerns for the chest is I just hope I don't trim TOO much, since I heard it needs to be a certain size or something

    A thought just occured to me that you could look up reference photos for Luke's stormtrooper disguise. Trimming the chest wouldn't be bad it looks like just a little too long. The butt is sort of tilted a bit much. The cod and butt connection will come later don't worry about that now. But looking good Taylor.

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  14. Actually got some work done today! A friend of mine came over and helped me test fit some pieces and I helped her so some measurements for her Zarya cosplay, so it's a win-win! Test fitted the torso pieces. Here's some things we noticed that we did a bit wrong while fitting and will adjust next time:
    - The butt plate was put too high, we thought
    - the chest plate was off the the side a bit. Couldn't really tell though, since I couldn't look down very well
    -couldn't really connect the underneath of the butt and crotch plates. Someone at an armor party helped me trim the crotch plate though the two pieces have a hard time connecting now. I'll ask her about connecting them

    I also noticed parts I needed to trim:
    - the return edge on the top of my chest piece was digging into my neck, so I got rid of it
    - The chest seems a bit big on me, considering it almost goes over the ab button area. Might have to trim the bottom of the chest? Maybe?
    -may have to trim a little more of the sides of the kidney plate

    I also (finally) got a piece glued: the outer section of my right bicep. Tried to work on the forearms but just...ugh. So much work to be done on those darn forearms. Also, I know the wrong shoulder bell was used for the right side

    Do keep in mind, my friend never worked with stormtrooper armor before. Neither of us really knew how to do the test fitting, haha! And considering I couldn't look down and hardly at all to the side thanks to my chest plate, it was a bit hard to guide her. Though, what are tests for, right?348d6549dd8b56f99a3de3bd2b9aaf46.jpge4d1fc288911e78e12f6bb2f9c6ffeed.jpgff5573bcfdeba714832419bbac585501.jpg20f63518417d7cf0952fc0a762b1e320.jpgd1af2589c3f57f7d11f14ff45bdd973e.jpg

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  15. At the moment I have already removed one ridge from the wrist side, though I'm afraid that trimming another ridge would make it too short? But I'm not sure. I still have SOOO much space inside. Though I probably will remove that return edge, yes. I just wish there was a way I knew of of how to taper the wrist in again, because the space is HUGE

    So you still have a lot of return edge at the elbow you can trim more of that and I believe it can be completely removed if I understand it correctly. Also I see you have a mark line near the elbow end that I'm guessing is for trimming? If so you should take that from the wrist side, to keep from having to recreate the curve in the inside piece.

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  16. Trimmed a tiny bit on my forearms and they are still, no surprise here, gigantic. As you can see before, they're very wobbly, have lots of space, and can easily twist and shift around. Not too mention since I cut a bit length wise, the wrist is big, but was always big, to be honest. I know I need to cut a tad on the sides, though I'm not sure where to cut everywhere else. My forearms are so small!

    Right now it digs into the top of my hand if I bend my hand upward and digs into my inner elbow if I bend my elbow at all 9cb33518432aec2dd581d33ca205fb6a.jpg2c40106d11e88f7305bab02eccd6dfaa.jpge21b55ed61e1bd20ed0dc992160ead9b.jpg44784f34edd0f0e0141c3b8ceebb8fdb.jpg

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  17. Not too much to update on, since I've been working at my job a lot the last couple days. I have today off, so I wanted to do some measurements. I gotta wait to try on my torso pieces when I have someone to help me, since I can't hold all the pieces together and reach behind me well and such. So, I decided to take a break on the bottom half and focus on the arms.

    I measured my arms today, and saw that the circumference for my bicep is about 11.5 inches and the circumference for my forearm is about 7.5 inches, where my wrist is 5.5-6 inches. Currently, without trimming, the circumference for my forearm pieces are slightly over 13.5 inches and the circumference for my bicep pieces are 15 inches. So, I have a bit of trimming to do.

    Based on the reference photo I found below that I got from a Facebook group, for the biceps, I'll probably have to trim about 1.5 inches or so from each side, possibly more, though I need some moving room. And for the forearms, length wise I'll have to cut off a few inches and a few inches total for the circumference.

    So far, I just have the half inch point marked on the bicep side, where I should cut length wise and where I should cut length wise for the forearms. I don't wanna cut anything until I know that it looks fine6af7c946860f6decdbb7e83c2cde9973.jpgc3008981a52150376bf7a4e494d8e2f4.jpg7c95fb89487c5b8f01ebf225adde9b5a.jpg

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  18. Got a lot of progress done last night, since I got to attend my first armor party! About 5 different people from the 501st were there helping me out, including a female just a tad larger than me height wise. She told me what all she had to do with her armor, and helped me trim everything I brought! It fits me a LOT better now, since I don't have a bunch of space. I do think I'll have to do a hot water bath or something to curve the pieces, since right now they lay pretty flat. I had to press against them to get them to curve.

    I made sure to ask if the cuts they were making were 501st approved, and was very relieved to hear they were. Gotta have someone help me so I can tape everything together to see how it all fits together.33da71ed077aa9d801ea7039ba81204b.jpge32e232b9f7a4e2e18c6f5b2ea86b258.jpg440e8085f4a9db021fa55db1a6fdc080.jpg0afa4fd6b73caf34b764b921dbcb19f5.jpg355903fb01b0c7aafa6e7368b6119a76.jpg

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  19. Oh, okay, good thing I didn't trim much, then. So, I should split the ab and cod first, correct? And would I trim just the cod after that?

    Ah, I think you might have misunderstood what I had written about the torso.   It's very important to make sure your torso is correctly fitted first.   What I meant by that is all of your torso should be assembled/strapped together before trimming the thighs (chest, back, kidney, ab, butt).  As you mentioned, the cod will probably need to be trimmed, which brings your cod up... which will result in your thighs coming up, which can result in overtrimmed (too short) thighs.  I strongly recommend to press pause on the thighs and focus on getting the torso pieces all fitted first.  Just my 2 cents, of course... 

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  20. Trimmed the thighs 1/2 an inch, and will definitely have to trim more, since they still go over the back of my knee, and part of my front. The ab/cod plate is massive, and will probably have to split and ab from the cod, since I have to push it pretty high to get the bottom part where it's supposed to be. All three pieces fall down if I am not holding on to them, hence why one of my knees is bent, so i can actually keep one of my thighs up.661fd609d3884d6456d70618e6d71266.jpg5e4b9dbbf6cd17f5528e32c639ed55d0.jpg

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