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Posts posted by Raeayd

  1. That part is not in question. The TK costume in canon configuration is indisputably unadorned. Also, it's been established that a TK with a pauldron is now considered a TX. That really should be the end of the argument.


    So if TK's have no pauldrons in canon. And TX's are EU characters. And the EU is canon. Then wouldn't TK's with pauldrons be excluded from being TX, as they are not canon and therefore don't exist in the expanded universe (at least until some author picks it up)? :huh:

  2. "I've taken the feedback and here is the list that I'd like to propose for our detachment:


    These items seem pretty firm:

    1. ANH style armor. This means the following details are observed:

    * Correctly colored buttons, not black ones, on the ab plate..."


    This doesn't seem very clear to me. Would you care to clarify what correctly colored buttons look like?

  3. That part is not in question. The TK costume in canon configuration is indisputably unadorned. Also, it's been established that a TK with a pauldron is now considered a TX. That really should be the end of the argument.


    What exactly is TX, is it EU characters? Is it anything we just don't know what to do with, or is it actually special ops? Or is it something else entirely?

  4. I am just starting the process of making my armour. I don't know how many paychecks from now it will be untill I can start to make any serious progress though. I anticipate being deployed with Titan Garrison when I get my bits of shiny together. I look forward to participating on the boards as I blunder through my first attempt at making a set of armour.

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