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Posts posted by Zippiesdrainage

  1. Collecting suggestions. Thank you for the feedback, let me know if I missed anything.


    Helmet: Yeah it’s not a full sized helmet I think is the issue. Also I see that a bit of my neck seal was sticking out a bit in these pictures.


    Shoulder bells: I do have black elastic on the underside of my shoulder bells that run under my armpit and straps that run from the top to the shoulder straps. I will trim some of the bottom away to see if that brings them in a bit.


    Shoulder straps: need more of a bend in them to get closer to meeting the armor.


    Thermal Detonator: I’ll trim the clips


    Belt: remove excess Velcro showing.


    Drop boxes: I have the strap holding them onto the belt inside the snap but it sounds like to line up with the edge of the belt I’ll need to move them and I’ll probably go with Velcro to hold them in place.


    Shins: Sounds like I either need to switch legs for my shins and move my knee plate to the opposite one or redo my overlap and Velcro and trim the cover strips.


    Is the gap between the ab and kidney plate too excessive and require a shim? I’m not trying to weasel out of work, but I was hoping basic approval would allow me to avoid shimming since I’m very pear shaped and I don’t think I’m capable of putting something in there that will look of feel good.


    I’ll have to do some searching to find a good background for pictures...my wife seems to have an aversion to blank solid color walls.


    thanks again everyone

  2. https://imgur.com/a/RwAp7JI


    updated pictures with shoulders belt and butt adjusted. 


    Sorry the old old link isn’t working I’ll edit that one to this newer one.


    And I realize after speaking with my local garrison that the helmet is not approvable, but I’ll have the proper helmet soon.



    Also, if I could get some advice or ideas: the armor is comfortable enough but I don’t have enough gap between thighs and shins to really walk very well. I’m going to need to trim to open up that space and I was curious where I can safely trim away and still be approvable to make it easier to walk.


    1. Name: Patrick Danielson 

    2. Future Garrison : Bluegrass Garrison

    3. Armor Maker: WTF

    4. Helmet Maker: WTF

    5. Cloth Belt Maker: Homemade

    6. Neck Seal Maker: Darren’s 

    7. Boot Maker: Funtasma

    9. Blaster Maker: Rubies

    11. Height: 5’9”

    12. Weight:  205

    13. TK type: ANH Stunt


    Just looking for basic approval



  4. So trying to figure out what to do with my thighs. Front looks good but to make them fit in the back I’m left with an opening in the shape of a V. 

    I know a lot of guys will go with larger cover strips, but the top of my V opening is about 2.5 inches wide and the bottom is about .75 and I’m worried that a 3 inch cover strip/shim will look terrible.

    Im also not really confident in my ability to make abs paste and all of that. 

    Im only going for basic approval, but I don’t want an eye sore.

  5. Can’t seem to upload pics so here’s a link




    the one seems smaller but I’ve been told that the TKs aren’t symmetrical. The pics of my arm show that it can’t squeeze over my elbow. Second bicep fits fine.


    similar issue with the forearms, one of them fits fine but the second is pretty loose and oversized

  6. After trimming my biceps I put some painters tape on to try them on, I’ve found that I can’t get my bicep piece over my

    elbow to pull it up. I don’t have large arms by any means. Do people just leave a gap between pieces and cover the gap with the glued on plastic piece (sorry can’t think of the term)? I’ve also noticed one of my forearms is pretty loose but I was told that a lot of guys will put foam inside to tighten the grip.



  7. Hello all. I’ve just begun my journey. I’m sure many of you have heard the word “overwhelming” from many others in their initial posts, and I certainly fall within that category too. I would say that I feel the most overwhelmed while browsing the database and trying to see any differences between ANH vs ESB and RotJ. I guess I just don’t have the attention to detail that you guys have.

    Im preparing to order from WTF but I don’t know which armor to choose since I can’t spot any differences. Most seem too small to really see, so are there any differences that make some more comfortable or resilient or are the differences all solely cosmetic and minor?


    thanks by the way 

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