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Darth Cobay

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Posts posted by Darth Cobay

  1. 5 hours ago, justjoseph63 said:

    The fact that they are not leather alone is a good reason I would avoid them.  Faux leather (plastic) does not breathe, and Trooping for here in mid Florida in the summer I would definitely recommend leather.  Plus, I know you are aiming for Centurion!  :jc_doublethumbup:    I can give you some more information in person this Saturday at the AP.

    I know Imperial Boots are on hold until March, but have you tried contacting RS propmasters?  They don't sell boots per se, but do include them with full build commissions, so it's worth a shot asking them.  http://www.rspropmasters.com/contact-us/

    Okay, I will give that a try! Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

  2. Hello, my name is Jake. As some of you know, I am currently working on joining the 501st as part of my senior project.
    I've been looking for a pair of boots as it is the last thing I need.
    TK Boots does not have my size, and Imperial Boots is closed until March. I need them relatively soon.
    I've been searching the forums but haven't seen anyone selling any boots. (I'm a US size 11 by the way)

    Does anyone know if The Stormtrooper Store's boots are acceptable? (https://www.stormtrooperstore.com/33,stormtrooper_boots.html)

    From the pictures I've seen, they seem to fit the qualifications.
    The site also claims to be used by 501st members, but I know a lot of places do. That is why I'm asking here before I drop $77 for a pair of boots.
    Thank you for any help and assistance! It would be much appreciated!

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