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Posts posted by FunkyAmazon

  1. I did buy the Imperial Boots. They are really nice, good leather and instantly comfortable. I’d rather pay a little more for  Boots I don’t have to break in, personally. 


    I’m a women’s 10 and I purchased a men’s 9 and they fit perfectly. They are about. Half size bigger (9) but fit like an 8 1/2 , approximately. 


    I’m very pleased. They also fit the Thorsson foot armor like a glove, for anyone curious about that. 

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  2. You cannot see the side seam and it's hard to say for certain that it's exact, but costume departments (and Art Dept) are known for recycling wardrobe for various characters, etc. There looks to be a piece of black elastic holding the toe pieces to the heel armor, and that seems to cover the seam and obscure the elastic panel some.


    When I used to go to Western Costume and some of the wardrobe houses, I'd often see the same items used over and over. We Art Dept (and Costumers) often use the same things repeatedly, if it works, don't break it!

  3. 7 hours ago, Daetrin said:

    That would be great!  Esp. as I'm sure the LMOs will be asking about that part.  Posting the links here is great as they can see this thread directly too.


    I've submitted the text to the LMOs and let's see what they come back with.  Any other tweaks you think should be done (I keep the first post updated for easy tracking).

    Not the prettiest comparison, but somewhat effective. I can do a more formal one, as needed. This is the boot I'd like to use for my TLJ Phasma because I believe this is what was used. From the research I've done, it appears that some TK boot was used and this seems most similar.



  4. 4 hours ago, Daetrin said:

    Hey Brandi - just so you know I'm not forgetting or ignoring these.  OK, well ignoring for a bit but I'm adding in the bits to the first post and also sending text out to the LMOs, as right now I think we have enough photos for an initial CRL.  Like all CRLs, they are not static and will likely evolve over time as better images and also more accurate armor, etc. becomes available.

    No worries! I'm sure there are more pressing matters out there. ;)


    I do have a side by side comparison of the Imperial boots black Spec OPS vs. Phasma TLJ screen grab, if that helps. I can send that over as needed. i know I've already inundated you with photos!

  5. I have a side by side comparison of Imperial Boots Spec OPS with Phasma in the Vanity Fair shots. They really look close. It does appear that there’s a piece of elastic or Velcro holding the heel plate of the foot armor to the toe pieces,  which blocks some of the side of the boot. 




    the link to the Imperial Boots Spec OPS shown in the side by side is here. 





  6. The boots appear to be a Chelsea boot, similar to these stormtrooper boots shown on the 501st page, but in black. 




    the FO side zip boots are definitely different. They do not have the pronounced separation between the heel and toe. They have the flat sole that is more like a platform. See those below




    The FO TK side zip boots are not what Phasma wears but she may be wearing the earlier version of Chelsea type TK boots with no zipper and the elastic panel. The other similarity to those boots is the slight point. They are not round nor pointed, something in between. 

  7. Finally, here is a link to some higher res shots I pulled from the Blu Ray projected TLJ. We have a projector so I was able to blow this up to 10 feet wide. 


    I’m still trying to get a shot of the elastic panel. I may look into the deleted scenes and Blu Ray extras next.  I don’t know if they have the elastic panel or not but they are definitely leather, as they show reflections slightly during fight scenes. The sole is definitely not the FO side zip boot as they have a fully flat platform like sole on those boots. 


    My my guess is that they are leather Chelsea boots that only go up to the ankle because anything higher would interfere with the much more fitted shin armor. 


    A bunch more photos below. 




  8. On 6/8/2018 at 8:27 AM, Daetrin said:

    The TFA CRL clearly shows a heel, though it's not overly pronounced.




    So I think what we are trying to say is a small heel is fine, just not something that is overly big. We're open to other wording.

    As for TLJ, have we seen if the boots are the same as TFA or are they black FOTK?  It would be great to get an answer on this.



    I’ve been analyzing the boots heavily over the past month in TLJ. I’ve been watching and pulling screen grabs from the fight scene where Phasma falls down and you see her shoes. It’s pretty evident that she is wearing boots that have a very minimal heel. They definitely have a space between the heel and the toe area of the sole. They are not the FO TK side zip boots in black leather, as far as I can see. They look more like Chelsea boots with the elastic panel on the side. You can see the  “U” shaped elastic panels when she is laying on the ground. I would attach a few photos here but I cannot post anything larger than .5 MB. It’s hard to see anything in tiny files.  


    I am in the process of pulling screen shots from a high Res projector image for clearer shots. These will be from a Blu ray version of TLJ. I will try to find a way to post those as soon as I get some good ones. I can no longer use Photobucket, so looking for an alternative. 


    It will help clarify the boot and shins since those are some of the main differences between TLJ and TFA. 


    There are are other differences, clearly, but the boots/shins seem to be some of the most drastic changes between TFA and TLJ. 


    Would these shots be interesting to you? I  am using them to finish my TLJ Phasma and thought they may be helpful to others also. 



  9. My armor from Shawn should be getting close to done. I went with that for the height issues I may have with the TK armor.

    I'm #6 on the list for the Quicksilver baton from JJ industries

    I'm doing TLJ phasma, so the boots seem different from the FO side zip the CRL recommends. I'm a bit worried about that.

    I'm waiting until I fit the armor to order a cape to see how tall I am.

    I'm on the waiting list for IG rubber gaskets. And I have an Anovos Neck Seal. 



    Anyone use the Spec OPS boots? They look the closest to me.


  10. 2 hours ago, sonfield said:

    Check out our build.  Yes, Painting is best for TFA.  I actually prefer that look.  Love Jimi's kit, was awesome to work with.

    How tall are you? I saw the amount of trimming you did, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to have the opposite issue! But I feel like adding on is going to present a lot of challenges. Shawn mentioned he has three different sizes in his kits. I love the idea of the flex in Jimmi’s armor but am really worried about length. I have really long arms and legs. 


    I think the paint is ideal for distressing, perfect for TFA, gets that worn in look perfectly. I am drawn to the mirror finish and pristine look of TLJ, so I think the vacu process will be necessary. The other question is whether Jimmi’s or Shawn’s armor will take chrome better. I think I’ve ruled out the 850 armor because it’s based on the TK with Phasma mods. I know that will be way short. I’m eager to pull the trigger but know that both of these will be great kits, it is more an issue of which will work with my extra long situation. I have a terrible time with regular clothes because everything is scaled for people a lot shorter than I am. It makes everything look really funky. Pants and shirt sleeves are always “Capri”.  I kind of detest it because I’m forced to deal with it daily. 

  11.  I am still researching and figuring out which way to go. I am leaning towards TLJ Phasma, but it would seem that the pristine chrome armor would require actual chroming, rather than painting. I've seen some tutorials on using AlClad II "paint" but I'm wondering if that is only really suitable for a TFA Phasma due to weathering and scuffing. I think the only realistic option for me being in Los Angeles is actual chrome because hot weather and paint do not mix well. The weather is so warm here most of the time that I think any "paint" would get soft and scuff very easily, and as pointed out by Misty, the rubber would peel or gouge off the finish pretty fast. Particularly around the elbows.


    I also really dig the spear, and it's so shiny! (Scary)


    I'm the least worried about boots, maybe stupidly, but I don't need lifts, so that won't be as complicated. The only thing to consider is that the boots appear to be a dark gray/black suede, and the CRL seems to indicate black. I'm wondering if that is just the way they are reading in photos though. Suede seems to look lighter depending on the way the nap is facing.


    Still leaning towards Jimmiroquai armor, but I'm wondering how well a semi flexible surface will take to actual chrome. Went to a 501st detachment meeting recently with my husband who got his Vader approved recently, so I got to talk to a few people who were doing some armor with 3D printing. That was really illuminating. It seems like a Phasma will be welcome around here, especially at my height. 


    Hoping to start the actual fabrication soon and stop the research...

  12. I am almost 6'2" and there is finally a character I can get into costume wise. So Captain Phasma it is! I've always loved Storm Trooper armor but I'm way too tall for it. I'm very excited to have a female (warrior!) character to aspire to. My husband is currently fabricating a Vader costume, so we will be quite a pair... someday. 


    I am hoping to start with Jimmiroquai armor and put my painting skills to work. I've got a fair bit of costuming and fabricating experience, however, I usually design my costumes from scratch. This will be an interesting (and complex) challenge to re-create an existing costume instead. I'm a film industry vet, in hiatus for the past few years due to young kids. I am eager get back into the swing of things again. I am an Art Dept person, so this is going to be fun for me.


    The gaskets look like one of the more significant challenges, besides the obviously difficult chroming process. Has anyone had good success with gaskets? I definitely want rubber ones, cloth really doesn't look as convincing.


    Jessica looks like she makes a lovely cape. I will try to get one of hers.


    I have some ideas about the boots, will get into that later.


    How many Phasmas are there out there at this point? Would love to "meet" any of them!

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