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Posts posted by Trials

  1. On 7/24/2017 at 1:48 PM, WhiteWalker said:

    I purchased mine in the first wave pf preorders back at $350 and it was literally the offer you couldn't refuse.  It took about 9 months to get it and I expected that so I have nothing negative to say on that, it was worth the wait.  I've been wearing it now for a little over a year, about 35 troops and it's held up really well.  I honestly think it looks just as good now as the day I finished assembly.  It's the only armor I've ever owned so I can't say how it is vs. other makers, other than it works for me and has carried me to Centurion level.  I have not experienced any cracking or breaks like some folks, I think different people have different experiences with any brand of armor.  Just do a good job with your build, take care of it during and after each troop, and avoid situations where you might cause damage to it such as trying to sit, bending over too far, etc.


    On 7/24/2017 at 2:47 PM, Shanester said:

    I really like my Anovos kit.  I got in on the initial offering and waited about a year for the kit.  The version 1 and 2 of the instructions are misleading at best, but with help from folks here, I built a kit that eventually was approved Centurion and I had never built a kit before.  The armor is fairly sturdy and from what I can tell by inspecting other armors, is just as well made.  The strapping and soft parts are mostly junk aside from gloves.  I replaced ALL snaps and velcro with well made stuff and I assure you it is necessary.  I blew it off as nit-picking at first and after several failures, replaced it ALL.  Tandy snaps, industrial Velcro, well made elastics.  The undersuit (if still included) will turn your armor purple even if you wash it first.  After a few troops, I learned what areas of the armor take stress and I reinforced them. The fabric part of the belt is junk, but will suffice depending on your expectations. I expect this armor to last me a good while and I troop a lot.


    On 7/24/2017 at 7:15 PM, allan1313 said:

    I have 2 sets of Anovos, regular TK and the shadow. Very satisfied in quality for the price. It is a little thinner than some other makers, but as longs as you are reasonably considerate in the care of the armor you won't have a problem. The only place I had cracks was in the neck and each arm pit area. I have reinforced those areas and have no other issues. I think it was from how I suit up, I keep my clam shell together and put it on like a shirt. When holding it by the chest piece to get in it that puts a lot of stress on those areas.  I also preemptively reinforced the shoulder bridges.


    Now their customer service is an absolute nightmare. My shadow kit arrived as a regular white TK. They made good, but it was like pulling teeth. If your order goes smooth you will love it, if not.....Strap in for a bumpy ride.


    I was looking to get my first TK suit as well from Anovos or one of the vetted dealers here but do any of you know if the wait times are still the same as before when the pre-orders were selling for $350? Or is it almost a guarantee that anovos will be behind on shipping

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