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Posts posted by Chrranke

  1. Thank you for all replies. I really appreciate it. I decided on the ATA chestplate as I heard of several troopers switching from AM chest to ATA chest with no trouble. I hope hope it is indeed the way to go.


    I will leave the leg armor as it is. It is comfortable to wear and looks okay. :)


    Will send pics when I have made the switch. I hope the color is not to far off but again, my bucket is an AP :P



  2. 2 hours ago, ABS80 said:



    I think your shin guards are on the wrong sides and changing your chest plate with a more accurate one will make a big difference, that chest just looks weird!


    Mark (AP)

    Thank you. Just tell me what the biggest screen accurat chestplate is and I will change it.

  3. Hello! Been a member since 2010 with TK-armor. I am TK-7534, but because my lifepartner got cervical cancer and eventually passed last year I have inactive the last three years. I have just re-submitted my Armor Master (AM), and hoping it will be approved shortly. I was also just approved as Jango Fett (BH-7534).

    I am hoping you guys can help me updating and give tips on how to make the armor more screen accurate.


    I just started a post on which chest plate to chose to update the suit.




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