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Posts posted by DMeNTED

  1. Here's one silly question for you guys ... I see from finding different threads while searching most of the amor "recommended" brands are around 0.080" tk. How sturdy it that? Will it take a shot (I'm thinking you walk into a door, or someone runs into you at a con) and has anyone laid up extra material (say fibreglass) inside to make things tougher?


    Just hate the idea of spending a ton of $$ and hours on something and then cracking a piece the first time I wear it.  :huh:


    Hi and welcome aboard future Trooper! Have a read in the “Getting Started-Read this First” section, as there is some really good info in there for new members.


    Then, have a read in “Costuming and Builds” section to discover other troopers who are building (or have built) the same armor as you! Really good tips, examples, pictures, previously answered questions, and successes here.


    In addition to looking at all the various build threads, I highly recommend checking out the “Advanced Tactics” section where you can see examples of those who have taken their armor to the next levels of screen accuracy (EIB and Centurion).  I’d recommend that you aim to build to one of the certification levels, as TK’s look their best at these levels. It's really not hard to acquire EIB or Centurion, and it’s best to do during your build rather that after.


    If, and when, you’re looking for other bits –and-pieces, accessories, boots, blasters, electronics, etc., be sure to check out the “Imperial Commissary/PX” section for items for sale, project runs, and for other stuff that most of the troopers use.


    Also, make contact with your local Garrison. They’ll help guide you through the process of becoming a member of the 501st, and may have local Armor Parties in the works where you can get hands-on build advice and guidance, not to mention meet members of your future Garrison.


    So, start a build thread here on FISD; post lots of pictures and questions. We are all here to help you out and to make sure you look your best, and represent the 501st as best as possible.


    All the best on your TK journey!  :duim:



    Thanks Brad! I've already been reading through the different threads and getting a lot of information...


    I'm going to say I'd call myself a "casual" fan as I've never gotten into any of the extended canon stuff or the books etc. but something about those storm troopers has had me since I was a kid. Just starting to get into the nitty gritty like the difference between stunt and hero and ANH and RTJ amor. Also researching gear like electronics and stuff... 


    I'm actually just over in Burlington, which isn't too far from you. It seems that the Toronto garrison is pretty huge - not sure how its subdivided but I'll be interested in hooking up with some local folks for sure. It's one thing to read about and look at pictures, its another to actually handle the stuff and understand the difference between this or that manufacturer.

  3. Welcome aboard!  This place is a great source for researching armor makers and best practices on assembly.  Take your time, ask questions and good luck!


    Thanks! I'm glad I came across this site - certainly looks like it will answer a lot of questions and save me from sinking $$$ into the wrong stuff. Also interested in seeing what people are doing as far as wiring and electronics for stuff like voice mods/etc.


    Hello and welcome aboard eh!


    What part of the country are you from?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Bonjour!  :P


    Burlington - about 45m from Toronto (you know, the centre of the universe). coming to Mtl in July for comic con as our other geek fandom is Dr. Who and the wife & kids would kill me if they don't meet David Tennant.


    Hoping to find some local folks that I can ping for ideas and stuff, it seems there's a pretty big Toronto garrison so there should hopefully be some people around me.

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  4. Hey folks ... Came across this forum while doing research and thought I would join up. I've always wanted a suit of white amor and after learning about all the charity work and seeing the 501st at a couple of different cons I've decided I really want to start serious research and get going.


    Need to try and find the local detachment... I've already read through a bunch of the threads here and have found there's a couple of Canadian mfg's that have good write ups which will at least save me on the cross-border shipping (and converting our Monopoly money into USD) but I still need to figure out all the other bits and pieces.


    Really looking forward to learning more.



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