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Posts posted by Veshch

  1. I've made a post in the local Garrison forum as well, so I'm sure some good will come from it. I imagine I'll have to trim most pieces down. I'm going to try and stop at the store on the way home tonight to pick up some foam padding, and see if a bit of that helps keep the shins on better.

  2. So, the day finally came! Big brown box day! Unfortunately, my excitement was a consistent downhill ride from the moment I got home. For starters, the box had a gaping hole torn out of it. Beyond that, I came across quite a few fitting issues with the pieces that I guess I'll have to deal with. Basically, everything seems like it was scaled up. The measurements I sent I triple checked, and had another person triple check as well. I'm not sure where the issue arose from.


    Here is a gallery of some of the things I noticed as I was putting it on for the first time.




    And here's how it arrived




    Suggestions on what I should do? Any help is appreciated.



    Its only 6 screws, 3 on each side that holds it all in place. Easy to take apart and put back together, even for a novice like myself


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    Just realized there's also plastidip that can be put on with a brush, which looks good with cheesecloth in it. Might go for that, actually.


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    Welcome, Alex, and congrats on pulling the trigger on your armor! Although it may not seem like it, 8 weeks is actually a very short time to wait for a set of armor (or a kit). With RS, it pretty much comes ready for Centurion level right out of the box, but you may need to tweak it a bit. You will need to apply for your EIB badge (level 2) before heading for level 3, but it should be very easy with the RS kit. More information can be found in the Advanced Tactics section. Once you get your armor, I suggest checking out Tim's (Darkcmf) thread here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/7-esb-stormtrooper/, especially numbers 10 through 15 (these are the steps you will need to take to get Trooping)!

    Yeah, I see people talking about spending months or even years working on their kits, so that really puts the 8 weeks in perspective.

    That's great! Thank you for all the information.


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    Hi Alex and welcome to the Alabama Garrison region!

    I'm in L.A. (lower AL)...MGM actually

    You'll find that most of our 501st members are either up your way in the Huntsville area or in Birmingham, with the rest of us spread throughout the state all the way down to Mobile.

    You'll find lots of help here, but be sure to check the AL Garrison forums for armor workshops once your armor arrives.

    "nobody builds alone"


    Yeah, I signed up on the AL Garrison forums as well, and I've been looking at all the troops that are coming up lately. I might head out to the comic shop tomorrow and try to meet some of the people headed there to troop.




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  6. Yeah, I'm definitely noticing that, hah. The 501st came up as a subject earlier today during work, even. A coworker mentioned that the 501st went to his friend's wedding once, so people were asking all sorts of questions about it all. I told them about the awesome work you all do for charities and such, and they had no idea. All that conversation did is make me want my suit even more, hah.

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  7. Hi Alex and welcome to FISD! It certainly does appear that you have done your research. Good job! So now you are playing the waiting game and it is certainly one of the toughest games to play. When you get your kit and if you need any help going EIB or Centurion please reach out to us and we will help you the best we can. Congrats on your purchase. Have fun!



    Yeah, the waiting will be gruelling, but it will be worth the wait. Only wish I would have done it sooner so I could join in on the trooping festivities tomorrow. I'm sure I'll probably run into questions and issues while working towards them, so I'll be sure to ask! There is a wealth of information available already just by reading over other people's threads that document their journey to them. Really looking forward to it all!

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  8. Hello all!


    My name is Alex, I'm 27, and I've finally indulged myself in something I've wanted for a long time: my very own suit of white armor. After doing a lot of research I made an order with RS Prop Masters for a commissioned set. It will still be 8 weeks or so before I get it, but I'm absolutely stoked. Once I have it, I definitely intend on working on it towards EIB and Centurion status. I wanted to go ahead and introduce myself, because joining the 501st is first on my agenda once I've got everything good to go.


    I'm located in North Alabama, and I've already made post on the Alabama Garrison forums. Looking forward to talking and meeting people!

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