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Posts posted by SpeedRacerx

  1. Thanks guys. The pictures I showed above were after about 24 hours. I like the use of some wood spacers for more pressure. I also used magnets in those "dip" areas of the back side, but I don't think the magnets were enough.


    As I will most likely be tearing off the back cover strip, what "cleaner/remover" is most recommended when doing so? (I haven't been investigating REMOVING the E6000 yet)

  2. Well the backside of the forearms are currently beating me (and my motivation) down. I did the "one side at a time" method for the cover strips. The front cover strips went OK(ish). But the backside. The BACKSIDE and the dang weirda$$ curvature did not hold great. I had a helluva time clamping and holding these back cover strips in place and against the curvature of the forearm sides.


    Here are some pics of my regress. Not sure what to do at the moment. Maybe move on to the biceps and try to erase this from my memory for the time being?





  3. Good news everyone! I beat my OCD down enough to just start gluing already.


    NOTE- I took your advise and I now have very little return edge at the upper end of forearms.


    Question about when to shim and when to not- Is ANY gap allowed at the back? (UNDER the cover strip obviously). As in- the only way seen would be maybe from a top view or with the forearm armor off.


    For example- Say the literal difference between pinching to comfortable is only this much of a gap. Is it worth adding a shim? Note my wrist is fine, its literally only a tad too tight at the literal top of the forearm. If there's enough material for the E6000 to grab the cover strip and if I make the back cover strip cover the full length, is this a problem?



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  4. Four years after purchasing my TK Armor from the initial Anovos run, I am finally starting my build. This will be my first trooper build of any kind. After researching many threads here, I have tamed my OCD enough to begin. I created a physical binder of @ukswrath build/tutorial that I am following along with. Having been an RPF member for some years now, I am happy to see the community over here on FISD is just as good (if not better) and full of experienced members assisting each other and noobs like myself. I'm not shooting for the moon here, especially with this being my first armor build, so hoping for entry level approval at the minimum.


    Height - 6'-2"

    Weight - 200lb

    Build - Average/Square


    Any feedback and/or assistance from you awesome members is greatly appreciated!


    NOTE: I have test fit the forearm with my under armor on.


    Step 1 - Forearm fitment (trimmed to Anovos scored lines or slightly more. I still have to remove more material on the front to get closer to that 15mm width for the cover strip.)

    1a - Is this TOO much room at my wrist?



    1b - The Upper Front Side and Upper Back Side is tight/on the verge of pinching skin. Looks like I will be adding a small shim at the back...




    1c - So I'll most likely be shimming the back, maybe bring wrist in some?, but as you can see there's a decent gap as-is already at my elbow when relaxed at my side...



    So far with the few test fits I've done, my body is kind of annoying me right now. It seems like my appendages are JUST over the standard trim/score lines on these pieces...



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