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Darth Shizl

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Posts posted by Darth Shizl

  1. All great info, thanks everyone! I'm in a bad news/good news situation now. The bad news is, I noticed some yellowing going on and I had to contact WTF for some replacements. (Side note: he responded almost immediately and the cost was so insanely cheap, I tossed him an extra $20 just to approach what I thought was a fair price!) I decided to go ahead and build what I had anyway. I figure it's at least good practice, and maybe I can use them in a Sandtrooper suit down the road or something. :td:


    Now, here's the part where I dump a ton of photos and ask you kind folks to tell me all the things I screwed up - so I don't screw them up on the new set! Some things I'm really unsure about:


    1. Is the same type and thickness of plastic used for the cover strips as for the armor itself? The sheet I'm carving from is much thicker and stiffer, and it's causing issues with trying to get both sides of the strip flush with the armor surface.


    2. How long is unapprovably long for cover strips? I'm afraid I might be at or near that limit with my right bicep. This cover strip also ended up off-center. 




    3. I had some issues with joining the pieces of different curvature that led to a wavy surface. When I couldn't get edges to lay flush, I always ensured the front-facing edge looked good and let the back edge float however it fell. Any problems there?




    4. How do you get a camera to focus on the armor instead of the background? My Galaxy S10 just won't focus on it instead of the background! (This last one isn't an approval question, but I'm still stumped.)


    There's actually a ton of pictures over here: https://imgur.com/gallery/0AtmsqT

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  2. Thanks for the help, everyone! New questions, this time about the top edges of the forearms and cover strip length/placement:


    1. As you can see, the top edges don't line up. Do I run the cover strip to align with the shorter piece, or the longer one?


    2. Do I cut it straight across, or more  in line with the transition between the two pieces? I think I've seen it both ways, but the quality of the images makes me question what I'm seeing.





  3. Hey all! Starting my second 501st costume and I decided to go back to the original that started it all. I've got the pieces trimmed and sanded, and am getting into sizing it down (I'm 5'7" 165#). Aiming for Centurion bc why not?? I've had my WTF BBB for about 2 years and just lately during lockdown did I start to make real progress on it.


    Lessons learned the hard way so far:


    1. This plastic shows *everything*! Be super careful with cuts and sanding; there's no removing the evidence later. (I was spoiled by my CW ARC for having all the Bondo and paint to cover up mistakes!)


    2. Cutting cover strips to width is super tedious, and straight lines are harder than they appear. Invest in clamps and magnets, and then buy double that amount.


    3. CA glue and Zip Kicker are great for instant gratification, but they can wreak havoc on the finish of the plastic.


    4. No matter how much research you do, you will have questions you never thought to ask. This is what the build thread is for (hopefully!) So, without further ado...


    I've started assembly with the left forearm. It's pinchy at the top and seems loose at the wrist. (I was cursed with narrow wrists and wide hands.)


    1. Should I use and elastic closure so I can cut the wrist narrower and still allow it to stretch open to fit my hand through?


    2. What do I do about the wickedly misaligned top edges?


    3. The return edges at the top are super pinchy. Can I trim those down or remove them altogether?


    4. Are minor sanding scuffs going to tank my Centurion status?




    Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk



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  4. Just found this thread and am about to embark on my own DD E11 build. Thanks for the abundance of pics!


    I tried the link to the FISD E11 reference doc, but was told it's no longer available. Can someone confirm that link please?

  5. Hello from sunny Cyprus! I was just approved last night by the Legion Membership Officer (we have no GML, not even an Outpost, but that will be my next task!) and I am definitely already addicted. My TK was an Anovos ANH set that I have done a lot of extra work on and I will be submitting for EIB as soon as I get access to post in the forum. I also have a set of Anovos Shadow Trooper armor in the box ready to go next, but first I will submit for HWT as I already have everything I need for it. Considering a Vader or a Sandy after that, but we'll see how the next set of armor goes first. Looking forward to finding a real event and being able to go as a member of the 501st. Might even have to make one! 

    Congrats on your approval! I'm waiting on my Anovos TK kit right now. A few questions, if you don't mind:

    1. How long did your kit take to arrive?
    2. Did they send a shipping notification?
    3. Were there any major alterations you had to make to get it approvable?
    4. What's "EIB"?

    Again, awesome job! I'd love to see pics!

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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