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Posts posted by Darth_Sploder

  1. I'm onto the forearms now, they'll be cut down for more movement and generally 'cleaned up'...

    Inbuilt cover strip dealio...massive taper towards the end!


    Fixed :D


    Horrid angles...


    Fixed :D


    Will be continuing in this vein and once the arms are done I *think* that's all my trimming done...I can actually start putting it all back together again!

    I've also received the final part I'd been waiting on for my Rogue One TK backpack so I can start work on that now. And I have a 3D printed E-11 that needs ENDLESS sanding. Plenty to keep me busy. If I get bored with one of these I'll move onto another, it's a motivational technique I call "The Circle of Procrastination" :lol:

  2. I've joined but I haven't posted yet, it's on the to-do list haha I know I'll have to to get cleared!



    Meanwhile I've been screwing up my butt plate, oops....




    Well that was easy, this should be a breeze...




    ...going well so far...




    ...looking goooood....but oh wait, here it goes horribly wrong :(  Basically I found a snap tool on my bro's leather punch so I thought I'd try installing the butt snaps, but the tool - I later realised - was too small.  I was struggling to get the 2 halves to lock together properly, so first I tried carving a wee bevel...




    That didn't work so I tried applying heat....ohhhh this was so foolish. I applied too much heat and suddenly my butt went all floppy and I had to hurriedly try to get it back into vaguely the right shape. Pretty gutting really as I'd previously applied heat to the same part to give it more of a curve and it had gone really well! So it's a bit fudged but I got it together in the end and it should look fine when it's on...



  3. See? Best part of 2 cans of lighter fluid later we have a nice box of clean shiny armour bits :D




    Shin before...




    ...and after...




    This armour has been trooped numerous times, is years old, been stored for the last few, and was all put together with industrial Velcro so there was a lot of cr@p and sticky stuff to remove.


    And here's my shins cut down at the bottom as mentioned in the last post:




    I'm going to lose too much taper and throw the overall shape off if I take any more off the bottom, I think they'll have to do!

    • Like 1
  4. Onto shins! Going butt joint/cover strip, vast amounts of material to come off...




    Shaving a little off the bottom for extra movement...




    ...and a little off the top just to even out the top strip...




    ...which meant my sniper plate now looked wayyy too big...




    ...so that got shaved down too...




    Getting there...




    Upon test fitting I found they were still catching really badly at the back so I measured 15mm on the back only....




    ...I then carved back to the line with the dremel, so it starts at the same place at the front but ends up 15mm higher at the back, whilst still retaining the original shape....did I mention I like a challenge? I think they came out ok, pics to follow...oh and you'll be pleased to know I've cleaned all my armour now too haha

  5. Scratched my head rather a lot over how to fit my 4 lower torso pieces together (ab/kidney/codpiece/butt) as the kidney plate had been cut down massively, so if I lined up the top of the kidney & ab plates there was no way on this Earth (nor Coruscant) the belt was going to cover both joins. So I lined up the bottom of the kidney plate where I guesstimated the belt would cover it, marked the ab plate where the top of the kidney plate met and roughly drew a line between the two. The way I've marked all the parts has been to hold my fingers against the edge with the pencil set at the right distance then follow the edge - this way you retain the original shape and I feel the rough marking makes it quite organic which is in keeping with the original design. Once I've dremeled back to the marked line I'll wipe off the marks and finish it off with the dremel on the slowest setting, carving and smoothing out the curves til they look natural and 'right' - it's all about smooth flowing curves. Anyway...


    Marked up - again I'm chopping a sizeable chunk off here!




    Roughly cut with tin snips




    Dremeling back to the line




    All trimmed up and drilled for rivets



  6. Butt plate split from kidney plate and I've marked up the ab/crotch for splitting to allow more movement and help enormously with that impossible dream of sitting down. I note the new Rogue One TKs have a separate crotch too, I thought of it before I noticed though honest!




    Scored the lines I'd left between the strips of tape with a Stanley knife a few times then just snapped off and sanded down the edge.




    Sneaky slice removed & the belt will cover the join of course.


    This is to make sure all my ab buttons are showing - I've since found out the ANH production team came at the problem from the opposite end with Mark Hamill's suit, cutting down the chest plate for the same reason. That's the way I'll be going with my Centurion build...but that'll be next year with a whole new set of armour.

  7. Yay that worked!


    So basically the first thing I did was put all the armour on and chilled around the house in it for a bit to work out what needed adjusting! Then started ripping off all the Velcro and trimming parts down.


    As you can see from the pic above I started by taking a LOT of material off the top of the thigh so I can actually bend my legs at the hip. Untrimmed one on the left of pic for comparison. I can now slide the thigh armour onto both legs while sat down. This is promising ;-)


    Rear view...I've also cut down the rear inbuilt cover strip to 20mm.



  8. Thanks for the welcome folks :D <br><br>

    The eFX lid will probably stay as is and get sold to fund my rock 'n' roll lifestyle...just kidding it'll be funding my Centurion build obvs. When i get the new kit I'll do the helmet first so I've got a full clearable costume with that and the FX suit.<br><br>

    Still gathering parts for the Rogue One backpack but I'll start a build thread when i start actually doing stuff. Been getting lots of pics of my armour butchery though so I'll get a TK build thread going forthwith!

  9. Howdy folks I'm Leon from the England, finally joined as suggested by various members of 501st/Rebel Legion at cons as my bro and i have been building Star Wars costumes and props for years anyway. You can see things we has done at facebook.com/koopamarnacosplay. My bro's been in 501st years ago with an old FX kit which has now been passed to me to go with the eFX helmet i got at Celebration - I've been chopping it to bits cos I'm only 5'6" and I'm loving it, so much so I've ordered a whole new full kit to go Centurion next year. I will be basing it on Mark Hamill's suit because i too am a little short for a Stormtrooper! The FX will be done for the Rogue One premiere, with the Black Series R1 lid or the eFX if the BS doesn't turn up or turns out to be a bit crap. Then I'll either flog it to a fellow shortarse or maybe keep it as a 'stunt' suit as I'm doing a LOT of work to get it to actually fit so i can move in it properly. I will get that sniper knee plate on the ground! I may even be able to sit down. Apologies for any tea you may have on your keyboards, you read that right. I like a challenge. Speaking of which I'm also building a super accurate Rogue One backpack for the premiere :)

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