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Posts posted by jmschak

  1. I also already have all the bits I need, so like Btabc, I am also not in to win. Let the parts go to someone who needs them.
    That said, my 50ish words:

    One of my earliest memories is watching the Stormtroopers pouring into the Tantive IV and thinking they looked awesome. Once approved, I will be representing an IP that has has profoundly affected my life. I owe it to that first wave to do it right.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  2. Repainted traps, tears and ears. Turned out much better this time. I'm happy enough with it, anyway. Pic dump:
















    Tube stripes are decals, everything else is hand painted. Obviously, I still need to put the hovis in, but I have UKSwrath's kit, and those will go in almost last. 

    No pics, but second side of forearms and first side of biceps are E6000'ed and curing tonight. 

  3. Tiny update. Wife's best friend is visiting. My nerd cave is also our guest room and it's way too hot to spend a lot of time in the garage. So, I don't really have a place to work on this right now. Doing little things where I can.

    I'm probably going to have to repaint these, if for no other reason than I know I can do better.









  4. Pre-drilled holes on the helmet for the bottoms of the earcaps didn't quite line up right, and was causing some internal scrunching (to use a very technical term). Much tweaking later, the Lothar look is gone.
    No pics, but quite a bit of time was also spent sanding the opening so my ears don't get snagged when putting it on. Hopefully more progress on the rest of it soon.




    Edit: autocorrect is a fickle, fickle horrible thing.

  5. BBB day was way back in March. For various reasons, the said box has been sitting in my garage untouched. Lots of other stuff going on between work and other projects. Plus, the box represented 40 years of childhood hopes and dreams and I was still a little terrified of jacking it up.

    Turns out the fear was largely unfounded. "Not jacking it up" being a priority, I spent the extra money to get my kit trimmed. At the inaugural unboxing at an armor party over the weekend, most of the pieces appear to require very little, if any, addituonal trimming to fit. I'm kicking myself a bit now for not starting sooner, but it is what it is.

    Started on the bucket last night. More to follow.49899cafb7cbb76687617082901f54a8.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  6. I received a link to the recruits group and requested access, but haven't seen anything else about it yet. Kind of a bummer, since I've been putting off doing this for nearly a decade and now that I've started the process I kind of want to jump in and help where I can. I'll live, though. Even if you learn nothing else in the military, everyone develops master level waiting skills. I'm a waiting ninja.


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

  7. The BBB wait is excruciating. Already have neck seal, mrnostripes mounting kit and my boots. Tried the boots on last night and involuntarily made this horrific high pitched noise that I would normally associate with a 3 year old girl* seeing a pony for the first time. Scared the crap out of my dog.


    *Not intended to perpetuate gender stereotypes, but based upon my niece making a similar sound at the zoo


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

  8. I believe TK Boots usually are fairly true to size (although all of these boots are on the narrow side, so consider sizing up if you have wide feet). Imperial Boots run small. As Mark said, though, some like the larger size for thicker socks, or insoles, or just wider feet.

    Well, I have kind of narrow feet, but excellent point regarding extra socks. Even Texas gets cold sometimes.

  9. Or the general Dallas area, anyway. Finally made it through the post on where to find quality armor, contacted AP, and will soon be the very, very proud owner of a set of ANH stunt. It's like I'm 7 again and I can't wait to start the build, get approved and never hit anything I shoot at again while brightening others lives.

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