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Posts posted by BigStick

  1. Ha! NERDS!!!!

    I'm currently waiting on the BBB (Rt-Mod for a TD build) but in the meantime I've got a Galac-Tac wip that I think is gonna be epic. I'm dedicating it to our men & women in the Armed Forces. Desert Spec-Ops theme....



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  2. 4 hours ago, scottdm62 said:

    The one that bothers me the most is the "shot me! I bet you miss" or something about aim.

    Just kill 'em with humor....


    Q: What do you call a Sith Lord who's afraid to fight?

    A: A Sithy


    Q: What do you call Chewbacca after he's eaten a candy bar & has chocolate in his fur?

    A: A chocolate chip wookie!


    Q: How to Ewoks communicate?

    A: With Ewoki Talkies!


    Q: Who was the first Mexican Jedi?

    A: Juan Kenobi.


    Q: Why did Episodes 4, 5 & 6 come before 1, 2 & 3?

    A: Because in charge of directing, Yoda was.


    Thankyou, I'll be here all week!

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/10/2017 at 10:29 AM, Dark CMF said:

    Did you ever make a decision on armor?  

    You definitely received some solid input here.  Personally, at just under 6'2" and about 210 and a truly healthy build when I assembled my kit, I found the RT Mod to be a very perfect fit.  Almost as if I were the model Rob sculpted it for.  It just fit me with minimal trimming.  The wait sucked a bit, but was definitely worth it in the long run, as I've been rocking it for longer than I waited to receive it now. :D

    Hope to see some traction happening for you soon!

    I'm on the wait list for RT Mod but haven't heard a peep in months. I'm now kinda torn with the new R1 kits & TD builds. REALLY liking the R1 TD. I know Jimmi makes an R1 but not sure about fiberglass.


  4. Hey all,<br>

    I think I've got my choices narrowed down to Walt's WTF Armor or AP Armor. My concern is that I'm a little 'thick' throughout the upper body. I'm 5-10, 220 lbs with a background in power/weightlifting. Waist is a solid 36" measured at the bb. Proportions are Greek God-like and I'm handsome as hell. TMI? Anyway, just wanted to make sure fitting isn't an issue. I looked at RT-Mod Armor but the year wait doesn't work for me. Thanks!

    • Like 1
  5. Hey All,

    Its probably me, but I'm having a hard time finding/ getting ahold of Walt from WTF. Looking to start a TD build. I've been to his Facebook page (sort of) & asked for permission to join (its a "closed group"?). I don't Facebook so that stuff is gibberish to me. Is there another way to contact him? Also tried searching his name here with no luck. Web search gives me a closed page. He no likey the interwebs? 



  6. MEPD has been having some issues processing new signups since they migrated to the new forum software. Existing accounts seem to be ok (I just popped over there and it's definitely up). Perhaps shoot Darth Aloha a PM here on FISD?

    How do I PM a member? I know I can do it if I click in one of their posts, but without that in front of me, is there an idiot-proof way to find & PM them?


    Edit: Okay, searched & found him, tried to send a PM, but got an error message saying Darth was unable to receive new messages. Any chance you could give him a heads up a new member wants in?

  7. Welcome to the FISD, enjoy the ride.


    Thanks! Love the enthusiasm of all the folks on this site. Soooo much creativity  :)


    On a side note: Anybody have an in at the MEPD? I tried to sign up but got an error message. Tried to Email the admins but so far have gotten no response.

  8. Well thats rather heartbreaking :huh:


    I guess just because I wear a size 34 waist doesn't mean I have a 34" waist. Tape says I'm 37" at the belly button. Chest is is still a solid 44" of rock-hard gristle.


    Thanks sylverbard. The last vestiges of my youth just died today.


    BTW, thanks for the info on the MEPD, I'm gonna head over there now :salute:

    • Like 1
  9. Well, back when I met my wife 25 years ago I was a svelte yet muscular 6'-2". Think Brad Pitt in "Troy". In the time hence she has beaten me down to 5'-10", and about 215 pounds give or take a doughnut. Holding on to my 34" waist by the skin 'o' my teeth. I no longer resemble Brad, but only because that dude just hasn't aged well.


    I'm looking closely at AP Armor. Have heard nothing but good things, plus the guy who makes it is also named Mark  :jc_doublethumbup: I think I prefer the heavy-duty nature of ABS & I've also read that they mold their torso sections with a little extra in spots for us 'Husky' types. Any & all advice is appreciated!


    BTW- do you have a link to your build thread?

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks Everyone.


    Kman- I guess I could be called moderately skilled w/ tools. I grew up building plastic models & R/C cars, and jumped back into the hobby about two years ago, for the sake of my boys of course. I also have a nice little woodworking shop in my garage/ man-cave, and am currently under the influence of Adam Savage & the "Tested" crew, Pinterest, and anything else that sparks my creativity. I'm also more than happy to use this adventure as an excuse to acquire any new tools I may need.


    Budget would be in the neighborhood of a nicely outfitted AR-15, meaning the wifey says I can't buy my next rifle for awhile if I'm serious about doing this. Therefore I'm looking at real Sterling SMG's as a platform for the E-11 as a way to satisfy both needs :P  I would tend to go for higher quality gear, but I'm certainly not rich so the kids may have to subsist on water & toothpicks for the foreseeable future. 


    I tend to be detail oriented, which judging by the few hours I've spent on this forum, would indicate I'm amongst a likeminded group of equally insane folk.


    • Like 1
  11. Hey All,

    Just got back from ComicCon & talking to members of the 501st & Mandalorian Mercs. Cool group of folks. Well, I've got the bug. Really want to build a Sand Trooper kit, Death Trooper, and a Mandalorian Merc. Since I have a wife (who's Indian name is "Stingy with the Bean"), I'll probably hafta stick with just one for awhile. Anywho, already begun to research- Holy Cow! 

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