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Posts posted by Invader

  1. Most black hole armor is based on the current FX molds, in which the left thigh is a huge barrel. I have the older FX thighs that are more contoured and pretty tight. How trimmed are your thighs?



    still trying to trim them down alittle more i just took 2 inches off the other day to try and make it where my leg can bend lol

  2. I have a set of black hole armor, I have a couple of slight issues with my armor thou. The way i have my cod and back plate is i have a elastic strap that is riveted to the two pieces which actually kinda helps but I would also like to sit down. Other problem im having is my sniper plate keeps going under my one thigh piece which stops all movement walking. A belt that velcro keeps coming undone, which i almost thought about just connecting that to the back plate with screws lol

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