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Posts posted by Inkedfritos686

  1. Well everything worked out guys, thanks for all the advice. Got new shoulders, body and thighs sent to me. Everything fit for most part and wore it at work at my movie theater. All the kids loved it. Shoulders in pic are old shoulders. Working on replacing them with new ones soon. 2cb2b1189641314f68123aea45fb498d.jpg

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  2. Hopefully this is the right place, but I'm just so excited that I forgot to post this earlier. Dressed up in Armor for my work at theater. It was a blast and I can't wait for more to come. Now just need to submit for full approval and can't wait for what is to come in the future.




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  3. Fully understand what you both are saying. The measurements were taken by professional seamstress per the sheets requirements. I emailed the measurements exactly as the seamstress had wrote down. It's a huge possibility that I gained weight during the time.

    For pants size I gave a 38 waist because that's what my pants say and what they asked for. My pants sit on hips though so maybe that was an issue.

    Would back muscle interfere with how the shoulder bells fit?

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  4. So I was able to finally get some pictures of the armor. The shoulders seem to small since measurement guide doesn't ask for should measurement. The thighs don't go up all the way so I can't bend knees at all or put the lower legs on. My knee is a little above the bottom so hits the armor instantly. They replied to my email and will be sending these pictures to them as well in order to get it fixed hopefully.



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  5. The old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" applies in this case, Stephen.  I am assuming you did the RS full commision, which should fit danged near perfect, as a 6 to 8 inch gap seems awfully wide.  If you could post up some pics it would be really helpful, that way we can get you sorted out.  I thought you were doing an AM 2.0 build!  ? 

    I will be posting pictures of it shortly. I was doing the A.M 2.0 build and with school and career i ran out of time which was no fun. I loved working on it.

    In storage, pieces of the armor got cracked in half probably from roommates putting stuff on it.

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  6. Hey everyone, so maybe I'm putting it on wrong but I can't get my right side of kidney plate to clip to the rivet. When I try to pull the strap there's about a 1" gap from the clip. Also the back, kidney plate won't budge any closer so there is a huge 6-8" gap from front to the back.


    Could I unclip the left side and add velcro to add some space on left side for right side to clip together.





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  7. So finally was able to have my friend come over and help with the fitting of firearms and the biceps. This is what I have so far.






    Lower forearm

    I think I'm going to remover the return edges on the top and bottom of biceps and remove only the bottom return edge of the forearms.

    To get a nice snug fit but still be comfortable. The return edge on both biceps seems to be digging into my arms.



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  8. So I'm on the last stretch of completing helmet basically. I'm going to go back and paint ears later. I'm so close to finishing helmet. I can't wait to start on the main armor.

    So for the tube stripes I put one side on so far.


    All 16 stripes fit on there. Only problem is when I went to look at other side...not all the stripes fit:/

    I was looking on the costuming index and all it says is between 9-16 stripes. My question is do both sides have to have an equal amount or can one be 16 and the other 13?



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  9. I think you could still try to save that ear, you really want to sand down any part that is touching, you can see on the front it is touching in the middle of the ear, also being forced outwards by the back of the ear.


    Ears are the worst to get right the first time around, if you have no luck try contacting AM about a replacement, most armor makers will sell pieces separately and help a trooper out.

    Thanks for all your help gmrhodes13. You've been a big help so far with my build thread and showing me links of where to go. I'm pretty sure I fixed the ear. I showed it in build thread but here's what it looks like now.




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  10. I had a similar problem and had to trim the notch at the top as well as some of the back top area.


    What do you have to lose at this point!

    Thanks a lot!! I followed those words of wisdom and I fixed it.



    Now just going to work on connecting the last bottom screw and the ear nightmare will be over. Thanks a lot SheaJeff and everyone who helped through this frustrating time. Your all awesome!




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  11. Well everybody I'm pretty sure I either messed up the ears or I messed up my helmet. I think I may have trimmed to much off the left ear. The AM helmet is probably the most frustrating thing I've worked on in my life haha. I've been looking at Navajo Bro's thread and it still isn't helping. I'm at the point I wish I had a build party so I could see hands on.

    This is the left ear which was having problems. 6e7d8a2a2637bc3292a68cf746c76271.jpg

    As you can see I might have trimmed to much because it now doesn't cover the crossing of the helmet sections.

    This is what the right ear looks like. a30915d0253170cc80548507082f7daf.jpg

    The right ear has no trimming done to it and fit perfectly.


    These next pictures are the underside of the helmet.

    This is the right ear side.



    This is the left ear side


    For some reason the ear as well as helmet aren't matching up.


    The cap at least on left ear has closed but doesn't help if the rest of ear doesn't look good at all.



    Can anyone help me or give me some advice???? I'm afraid I made a costly mistake which I can't afford at the moment. It's stressing me out pretty bad which doesn't help with my anxiety. Any help will be appreciated!



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