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Darth Doug

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Posts posted by Darth Doug

  1. I figured it was time to start my build tread even though I don't plan on actually starting my build for a few more weeks with no set ETA on when I plan to actually finish build. If everything works out just going for basic approval for now because upgrades and adjustments can be made later.  So expect me to treat this build like my current ROTJ Vader build of a marathon and not a sprint.  Just going to let this happen following some of the many treads that have been posted before me as guides and feedback when given by others.  Like my title says I have Anovos kit that I recently received about a month ago inspected and took some pictures before I packed it back up until ready.  I also already have pair of TK boots that I had ordered months earlier with the plan to use in this build.  This will be my first build of this level so I am sure will get much advise and will give thanks already for help I have already read and will get.  So for now here is some pictures with hopefully some others in few weeks based off of actual building!!!!    :smiley-sw013:














  2. Hello to all FISD members and new recruits like myself.  My name is Doug and I live in Wisconsin.  Just received notice that my Anovos TK kit shipped and will be here next week.  So figured it was time to join the boards officially after lurking for many many months.  I am already a active member on SLD boards and some here might recognize my user id Darth Doug.  I have a few months to go on my Vader build and had ordered the Anovos kit many months before I started my Vader build.  I do plan on building my TK but am in no rush to do so, I guess to put a plan or goal in my head I will hope to have it done sometime before summer with my earliest start date around March madness vacation.  I do love seeing members posting great build threads to help out the new recruits that is always great to see and I know it will help me when I do start my build and when I do I will make sure to make my own WIP on these boards.  I thank all in advance for any insight they share to me and others cause this is the first steps!   :smiley-sw013:

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