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Posts posted by Ryl

  1. Hey Scott!  Yes, that Big Brown Box was one of the most exciting packages of my life.  If I could figure out how to post pictures I would *show* you how mine looks on.  I have a lot of work to do to mine to make it fit, though - it is clearly designed for a man's body and I'm short-waisted, even compared to other women!

  2. Hello again…..!  So, I've bought a set of armor from Mark at CFO in the UK, and I had my very exciting Big Brown Box Day.  I bought it all assembled from Mark as I'm alone here and really don't know where to begin.  I opened the box and had a lot of fun taking pictures of myself and my kids in the helmet, and put it all on…..but now I have to make it fit.  And I'm incredibly intimidated.  Where does one begin?  Especially since there's nobody else here to guide me with *anything*…..?


    ….and how do I add pictures to posts here?  Feeling so clueless….   :huh:

  3. Thanks, Zarlon and Dlotz, that's helpful.  Believe it or not, Dlotz, it would be a lot riskier to ship it….not to even mention the customs nightmare.  I have to think about how to do this…  I wonder if I could carry on the helmet and open the rest of the armor and nest pieces in between stacks of clothes in several suitcases.  After eleven years of living abroad you become a bit of a pro at the game of how to get stuff home…..

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  4. Wow, thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.   :)   Who knew that Imperial Troops were so friendly?  


    OK, so I have a question.  How big, roughly, is that brown box on Brown Box Day?  I'm trying to decide whether to order a kit from a North American armor-maker and pick it up on my next trip to the US (April), or whether it would be wiser to order from a vendor on this side of the Atlantic.  A lot hinges on how big that package will be and whether I can realistically bring it back - because I won't take a chance on shipping directly to Greece.  Thanks for any help!   :smiley-sw013:



  5. Hello Troopers, from a Future Trooper in Athens, Greece!  I've been a Star Wars fan since 1977 and I've been more and more drawn into all things SW over the last year.  I am VERY excited to join the 501st but first I have to put a costume together….and I'm kinda all on my own out here in Athens.  The Stormie costume is soooo cool but also so intimidating to me, out here by myself.  So…..I'm happy to accept any and all tips and advice!




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