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Posts posted by Ducati853

  1. Thanks for the link Terry, ordered the piercing kit :)


    I have also ordered the "thrash the hell out of it" kit as recommended by you guys as I am not sure exactly how to use the pliers properly either lol, was using the cutting tools to try and close the studs at one time! Now I must have enough accessories to do this correctly.


    Many Thanks

  2. Thanks for the welcome everyone!! :)


    Neil: I take some comfort from the fact that it is not only my armour that is a bit "ill fitting" so to speak....I am going to do much the same as yourself with the shoulder straps and add webbing to join the back and chest pieces to take the strain off the plastic ridges. As I progress with the suit, I shall keep you informed of anything that springs to mind.


    To all who noticed the bike connection, I do have a Ducati (as you could see, I wasn't too creative with the username) lol.... Nice to see some troopers into their bikes.


    Mark: you obviously know Essex well!? and my previous collection of cars lol, had both of those at one stage in the distant past, bane of my life now!!

    I take it that you have a Blade?! Nice bike mate, built for more speed and a little more comfort than mine, but once you have had twin, you never go back :P

  3. Hello to all the FISD members . I am Wayne from Essex UK (it never ceases to embarrass me stating that, uk members will probably know why) :rolleyes:


    I have purchased some SDS armour with Battlespec lid. I have been lurking on here, attempting to read every post I can on all aspects of armour tailoring and tweaking and I must say that it is quite addictive, you guys have great knowledge and it is nice to have the benefit of other's experience.


    I have the same problem as alot of SDS purchasers it seems, as although it is stated as a "ready to fit" armour, I have found that it will not fit correctly out the box. I have found that the left thigh is smaller in diameter than the right and needs a small shim, the strapping and velcro is not worthy of wearing for long periods and a few other issues. I am going to use instructions on here to re-strap the armour and for some other tweaks.


    I have a romfx installed into my lid with speaker on the belt at present, I want to install two 50mm fans (if I can find the room) But with the 8 AA betteries already installed, it will get rather heavy so I may look at placing the power source to the chest armour or similar. Not sure if its a good idea but I am toying with the idea of running the romfx and fans from the same 12v power source!? 8 x 2700 mah AA's. If anyone has any experience of trying this, comments would be gratefully received?


    I hope to be able to wear my armour shortly for some trooping coming up soon.


    Thanks for all the informative advice given here, hope I can eventually add something to the community.





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