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Posts posted by rayabear

  1. Hello friend.  I followed that link and read about the board.  There is a lot of great stuff there, but let me address a couple concerns.  First, at present I only make blasters and not light sabers so I have no need for the motion detection.  Secondly, the costs is higher than buying the three boards so when room is not an issue it seems wasteful to me. 

    Thanks, Ray

  2. Sell it then Mickey.  They don't last long in my inventory and the one I saw sold here PDQ from a similar members circumstance.  Some people just don't have the talent for building.  If you would have watched the videos on the build you may not have over estimated your skills.  Not trying to be smart, just factual.  Seriously, sell it to someone that will appreciate it.  Lots of troopers do.

    Sincerely, Ray

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  3. My trigger group and grip as well as every part of the E-11 I offer on ebay has been re-designed in cooperation with 501st members and using reference material found on this web site.  It is no longer inaccurate in any way.  Maybe I was wrong for saying "most accurate model" in my previous V1 ads, but that is just marketing.  I can certainly claim this now.  I (and others) consider mine to be compared to a Master Replica.  Don't take my word for it, just check out my feedback on ebay.  Hundreds of fans gushing adulations.  As for the price?  Consider it takes over 70 hours of print time for one kit and I base my price on that.  I think my market research shows it is a great price which I am told very often.

    Well I just wanted to clear that up.  Oh, and if Doopy's are so great, why have I sold so many to the UK?  And Australia is blowing up with my blasters.

  4. Hi, I'm the guy selling these on eBay.  I was shocked to see some of the comments here since I have over 100 troopers using my blaster and can't stop bragging about it.  I think some of the comments here MUST be about my earlier version 1.  The re-design in cooperation with Legion members has negated the complaint that it is not screen accurate.  It is near perfection with only strength considerations in changing dimensions. ie: the rail needed to be thicker not being metal.  It is in no way "fragile."   The changes we made make it the most accurate model out there since we used only reference material found here on this site.  I wish you would go to the ebay Ad and check out my feedback.  Hundreds of glorious adulations can not be wrong, but these guys might be.  In all honesty, it is a lot of work to build my blasters.  But I thought anything worth doing, was worth doing well.  And nothing worth while is ever easy.  It takes me 3 to 4 days to build one so a couple weekends and it should be done, right?  And how many places offer video tutorials on building there products?  I do, on my YouTube channel.  FB E-11 blaster guy

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  5. Hello, I'm not sure how many of you have heard of me A.K.A. Rayabear.  I've been selling blasters now for almost a year on eBay to well over 100 extremely satisfied 501st members around the world.  Recently after a three month re-design of my model to include accommodations for electronics that was done in cooperation with a very clever 501st member in Ohio who designed an inexpensive electronics light/sound kit which he sells to me.  I not so interested in the insignificant profits I make from the e-kits and would rather there be a DIY thread.  I've already started sourcing switches and such, maybe I could offer a DIY package?  Although well designed and inexpensive, our e-kit is far inferior and lacks many features.  Also, he is having a hard time keeping up production resulting in me being out of stock more than in.  He does his best but this is a side thing for him where it's my whole life.  I'm really not interested in manufacturing these myself.

         Sorry for being long winded.  The reason for this thread is I would like to again change the design of my model to fit an Arduino system very similar to your (TK8177) have designed here.  I am very much a novice at Arduino having only one experience with it when I created a 5 axis robotic arm with a mega 2560.  So I guess this is a call to arms.  I need help with this.  I would like to form a collective with a few individuals to help me with the Arduino side of things especially.  My programming skills are practically non-existent.  And I have a breadboard, and I can solder in my sleep but I know almost nothing of electronics.  Google is my beast friend.  If you are interested in helping out please contact me. 





  6. I did intend on joining, but honestly I don't feel welcome.  It's like the first thing that I see after joining this site is I'm brutally attacked without provocation or cause.  No one asked to hear what I had to say.  He just trashed me and bullied me just like the other guy.  My apologies are only for all that were needlessly subjected to this thread and you can pull it down if you want.  My bad on the intro.  I didn't realize it sounded negative.  VERY new to any kind of role playing, and I thought I was being cute.    I have been a fan of ALL Science Fiction for over 50 years.  I've never been much of a joiner though unless you consider the US ARMY and the US AIR Force. 

    As for the gentleman I called a douche, I do apologize for that.  It was a momentary lapse of judgment, and I regret saying it.  I should have addressed your concerns before accepting your sale. 


    As for this guy Derek that attacked me like a 12 year old on a playground!  I will never apologize.  That would be insane.

    And if your not Cyber bullying me then why do I suddenly have dislikes on my youtube channel right after posting that here.

    I started reading the rules from the link you sent me.  The very first one was broken by Derek, not me.  As well as the second rule.

    He should be the one apologizing to me. 

  7. I tried to make amends.  I send him a PM about burying the hatchet.  But he responded with more threats to Cyber Bully me every single time I post.  Some people like making enemies more than friends.  Unfortunate.


    Please don't judge me by these posts.  I'm just one guy that don't respond well to insults, and I REFUSE to take crap from anyone.  I'm too old and broken to have to accept that.  See for yourself.  You can check me out on my Channel on YouTube.  Just search for " Raymond hebert star wars ".  I have a few videos on building my blaster there.

  8. Judging are we?  Only one side of the story is a lousy perspective.  Imagine what must have happened for a business person to call someone a douche.  Long story sir, and I stand by my statement as I do my product.  Like I said in my intro, I'm a retired (disabled) Deputy Sheriff so I call 'em like I see 'em.  That guy was a douche.  For God sake he was complaining the scope was mounted too far back on the rail!  Really!!!

  9. Hi,

         I'm RayAbear, and I'm the blaster guy.  I've built many now from a new kit.  Ask me about it in a message.  I'm a disabled (In the Line of Duty) Deputy living in Central Florida.  I started 3D printing over a year ago as a hobby.  Now I have 6 robots printing parts for my E-11 Blaster in ABS plastic.  I'm really proud of the folding stock especially.

         I also like to travel.  My wife and I recently spent 2 years traveling the country in a Winnebago.  Just for fun!  Scuba diving in Cozumel, or cave diving in Honduras we have done a lot.

         Also, I've been building computers since the 1980's 

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