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Posts posted by zombieinthehat

  1. Hello troops!!  I've been eyeballing this site on and off for several years but never really jumped on board.  I've been glued here for the last week and thought, "why not just make an account and get involved?"  I started getting into prop building in high school when my friend and I decided that we needed to make some Proton Packs from Ghostbusters.  We made one, it weighed a metric ton, and looked nothing like a Proton Pack.  I was not happy with it and decided to really dig in and do it right.  15 years of procrastination, and we are finally starting to build a couple right.  In that time frame, I was a Civil War reenactor and really got in to all the little details of putting together a good kit.  Unfortunately, some crappy jobs and starting a family put a halt to my reenacting career, and I felt an emptiness in my life.  I'm now at a point in my life where I can start doing "hobby stuff" again.  I started WWII reenacting, and I felt that emptiness ebbing away.  As nice as it is being able to do research and put together a well detailed kit, it mostly consists of buying stuff pre-made and calling it done.  I enjoy working with my hands and building things.  Not just for the sense of accomplishment and pride, but also to calm my mind.  I have ADHD, not terrible, but enough that school was hard as heck.  When I'm building something, my mind seems to focus on the project at hand with little to no difficulty, and I don't get to experience that very often.  After making a Jason Voorhees costume a couple years ago, I decided that this was what I was going to do in my spare time.  I've got my Ghostbusters project in the works, but to keep myself from getting bored and dropping the project, I've decided to do several projects at once.  My favorite films are "Ghostbusters", "Star Wars", "Aliens", "Friday the 13th", and "Mad Max".  So, I'm going to tackle two of the best soldiers in the universe as well, Imperial Stormtroopers, and United States Colonial Marines!  I've wanted to do this project for a long, long time.  But I never felt that I had the skill to do it.  Now, I'm comfortable making an attempt at it.  Wish me luck!!

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