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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by mauvia

  1. a few weeks ago it was my 'brown box day"

    After years on wanting a suit, I ended up ordering one from RWA from the UK.

    who has made this amazingly good kit...


    I will try to post pics of how i get along in the build, 

    please comment on everything that might seem wrong, 

    I've been busy for a while and got a lot finished..


    it is all glues with E6000, so no worry about critics and comment.


    OK here goes..


  2. that list only has 1 RT supplier, and im not willing to wait more than 12 months...  :-)


    my problem is that most kits will be too much work or will never ever fit me proper...


    can someone please tell me who can sell me an AM2.0 or RT kit? exact names or locations please.
    i don't understand why no one can or will tell me where i can go, and only point me (for me) to vague lists without clear answers.
    it is not that i'm asking for something unethical right?


    no offence intended, but ive been looking for what to do for so long now...

  3. Im all new to this and am affraid to think i bought a good armour, but actually have thrown away my money. <br>

    eventually i have the hope it to as acurate as possible, but so many claim to be one from the orinal molds.<br>

    also im 6,4" and heavy... im affraid most suits wont fit.<br><br>

    Im currently stuck between 3 stores, but some troopers praise 1, while others completely destroy them.<br>

    rsprop, orig.strooper, and anovos, though the last starts shipping in januari, i 'need' it for the end of the year...<br><br>

    Again, centurion is for now a too high goal, but basic 501 seems like a great achievement...<br><br>

    Sugestions anyone?

  4. "<br>

    In 1976 prop maker Andrew Ainsworth of Shepperton Design Studios created the original Stormtrooper helmets and armour for the first Star Wars movie, A New Hope. All these years later, Andrew produces genuine, authentic replicas using the original moulds, as close as it is possible to get to the original film props...."<br><br>

    Is the txt on their site plus movies... strange that they are not correct..

  5. hi, im still searching and comparing all the suits out there.

    it is all sooo confusing and dazling... there is too much difference and models...


    I have set my sights on 2 stores (set apart from FB suppliers)

    originalstormtrooper.com   and  RSPropmaster..


    can anyone give me the pro's and con's for these stores, for they both claim to be the original molds...



    please some tips...  :-)

  6. I will not ask where to go exactly, for that is apparently, and understandably not allowed. I know some armors are better than other, so i assume there are tips to look for before /when buying that i can ask, right?


    first of all i'm 190 cm / 6'4" and a muscular(er) build... 
    What do i need to be careful about, I've noticed some stores sell extended suits or larger extended parts to fit longer or heavier troopers-to-be.. so that seems to be a good way to go i imagine for if I buy an expensive kit from any company and I need to replace many parts that does not seem to be a good plan either...

    can anyone who is also taller and a bit heavy... tell me how they went from that they wanted a suit to actually Trooping ?



  7. Hi everyone, Im new here, and after several weeks of searching the internet and trhough the fora pages, it is clear to me where is should NOT go, but it is still not clear to me where i need to go, to get a 501 approved suit.


    further, since it will be my 1st suit, i tend to go for a TFA-trooper.
    I saw these guys



    any good??


    please can anyone comment me on how i should go from here, befor i wast too much money on parts i need to replace.

    to avoid "rookie" mistakes



    pim mauve



  8. Hi everyone, Im ne here, and after several days of searching the internet and trhough the fora pages, it is clear to me where is should NOT go, but it is still not clear to me where i DO neet to go, to get a 501 approved suit.


    further, since it will be my 1st suit, i tend to go for a TFA-trooper..



    any good??


    please can anyone comment me on how i should go from here, befor i wast too much money on parts i need to rplace.



    pim mauve



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